|Shot 23| • Christmas • |Stenbrough|

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"Are you sure about this Bill?"

He turned to look at me quizzically.

"I mean, doesn't this look a little dangerous?" I queried.

"Don't worry, Stan" he chuckled as he climbed don't onto the sled with me and positioned us perfectly on the hill. "We'll be fine, besides, if we crash, I'll break your fall"

He grinned and I blushed.


"On three?" he asked.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"1" he counted.



I squeezed my eyes shut as Bill pushed us off the hill and we glided through the snow.

"WooHoo!" we whooped.

"See, isn't this fun- STAAAN!"

"BIIIILL!" I shouted.

We screamed as we were launched in the air after hitting a snowbank. I landed on top of Bill and he grunted. We laid there for a few moments before I slowly sat up and we glanced at each other.

His blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Uhm, sorry, Bill" I apologized blushing, placing my hands on his chest to balance myself before climbing off of him.

"Uhm, ih-it's okay, Stan" his cheeks flushed crimson as he sat up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, uh...should we head back?" I asked, extending a hand which he took gently.

"Yeah, let's go"


As we made our way back to Bill's, we noticed Richie and Eddie walking hand in hand through the snow-littered street, Richie dragging a sled of his own.

"Hey guys!" Eddie called.

We stopped and turned to them with goofy grins. We erupted in laughter after our eyes landed on Richie.

"What's so funny?" Richie cocked an eyebrow.

"What happend to you?" I snickered.

I pointed to the snow that covered Richie's clothes head to toe and brimmed Eddie's coat. Eddie began snickering himself, along with Bill and I.

"Don't ask" Richie groaned and rolled his eyes. "Actually, I could ask you and Bill the same question" he smirked and pointed to our snow ridden clothes.

Bill and I exchanged nervous glances and blushed as we continued walking without another word, Richie and Eddie's laughter echoing behind us.

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