Chapter 1 - Halloween

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7pm on a Saturday night, a Halloween party is taking place at a small neighborhood cul-de-sac called Willow Oak. The house that is throwing the party is a Mediterranean style, two story beige house with shrubs near the front door and a small palm tree in the yard. The party was packed with kids wearing Halloween costumes, carrying buckets of candy, and having a blast. Sitting on the grass in front of the house, was a girl with her nose in a book. The girl's name was Katherine Reyes. An eighteen year old girl with straight medium length black hair, black eyes, curvy build, and wearing black framed glasses. As she was reading, a twenty year old girl comes out of the packed house and walked towards her.

"You're still out here reading? You do know there's a party going on in your own house right?" The girl said.

"Of course I do, I just don't care about it. You know I'm not a party person." Katherine replied as she continued reading.

The girl Katherine was talking to was her older sister, Kayla Reyes. She had medium length, wavy black hair with blonde highlights, black eyes, a fit build, and was wearing a small amount of makeup.

"Oh, right. I forgot, you're a total nerd. How boring... Oh well, more party for me!" She mocked.

"You do know it's a "kids" Halloween party right?" Katherine retaliated closing her book and looking up at her sister.

"Yeah, and...?" She asked.

"So, last time I checked, you're not a kid. Although, you do have an immature personality like one." Katherine answered.

Kayla gave her an annoyed glare. Just then, a fifteen year old girl with long, straight black hair, black eyes, a thin figure, wearing a zombie costume; carefully sneaked behind the two sisters without them noticing...

"Boo!" The girl shouted.

Kayla and Katherine screamed in unison.

"Courtney!!" The girls shouted in anger.

Courtney began to laugh. She was the youngest of the two sisters.

"Speaking of kids... thanks for the scare, Courtney. I really needed that." Katherine said in a sarcastic tone.

"No problem! I'm always happy to help!" She said giggling.

"Why on earth are you dressed like that? You look hideous..." Kayla asked while scanning her sister.

"Aww, thanks sis! I wanted to cover myself in something really smelly to get that classic zombie aroma, but mom said that wasn't a good idea. So I decided to go with this instead." She answered.

"Remind me to thank mom later..." Kayla remarked.

"But Courtney, zombies don't say "Boo!" That's more of a ghost thing. So why not be a ghost?" Katherine asked.

"Because ghosts are boring. And I'm a special kind of zombie. The kind that talks and runs after their prey..." She explained with a sly smile.

"Beware the world's first running zombie, everyone." Katherine joked.

"What's that about running zombies?" A familiar voice interrupted.

The familiar voice was actually a ten year old girl named Stephanie Holden. She had shoulder length black hair with bangs, and was wearing a purple headband. She also had black eyes and a short, thin figure. She walked up to the three sisters.

"Oh hey, Steph. Meet the world's first running zombie aka Courtney." Katherine mocked.

"Where? I don't see her..." Steph asked as she looked around.

Mysteries of Willow Oak: Zomboween NightWhere stories live. Discover now