Chapter 2 - Z-z-zombies!

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As the group of friends went inside the house to try and enjoy the party, something strange begin to happen... Thick, purple colored haze began to fill the neighborhood streets; covering them until they were no longer visible. When suddenly, the ground started to crack open, revealing dead, rotting hands with decaying human corpses attached to them. The corpses climbed out of the ground and slowly started to roam about. There were about thirty of them spread throughout the neighborhood moaning and moving slowly. Once the purple haze cleared out, two twelve year old boys dressed in costumes and holding bags of candy came walking down the sidewalk.

"So how many bars of chocolate did you get?" Asked the boy wearing the Super Mario costume.

"Fourteen. You?" The boy wearing the Wolverine costume replied.


"Wanna trade?"


The boys began to trade candy, when suddenly a hoard of undead bodies began to slowly surround them. The boys didn't notice the zombies until all of them started to moan simultaneously.

"Hey, do you guys mind? We're trying to trade here-- whoa! Nice zombie costumes! They look totally realistic!" Super Mario boy shouted.

"Yeah, where did you buy those?" Wolverine boy asked.

The zombies continued to moan but even louder this time.

"Come on. Drop the act and tell us already!" Wolverine boy yelled as he tugged at one of the zombie's arms until it completely came off.

The two boys slowly looked at each other in horror. The zombies then moaned angrily and tried to eat the young boys. But before they could, the kids screamed in terror and ran away as fast as they could.

Back at the party, everything was still pretty much lively. Courtney was being her usual self while her sisters and friends tried to enjoy themselves.

"Okay, so who wants to dump the entire punch bowl on this zombie's head? Come on, anyone?" Courtney giggled hysterically while eating out of a bag of candy.

"Alright, no more candy for you." Katherine said as she grabbed the candy bag away from her sister.

"Hey!" Courtney shouted.

Suddenly, the two boys that ran from the zombies came running inside in a panic.

"Zombies! Real... zombies outside!" The boys screamed while trying to catch their breath.

Silence filled the room as everyone stared at the two boys. Suddenly, a huge roar of laughter filled the entire room. No one believed what they really saw. The boys were completely embarrassed.

"It's true! They're outside right now!" The boy dressed as Super Mario shouted.

The laughter continued.

"Zombies? Really?! Oooh, I wanna see them!" Courtney said as she ran out the front door.

"Seriously, Courtney? They're probably just trick or treaters trying to scare us." Katherine said annoyed.

The two boys, Katherine, Kayla, and their friends ran out the door and followed Courtney.

As soon as they got outside, they noticed Courtney standing in the middle of the street, staring at something with her mouth wide open.

"Uh, Courtney... are you okay? What are you staring at?" Trevor asked.

They all looked in the same direction as Courtney and their jaws drop immediately. What they saw was a big pack of zombies walking aimlessly down the street.

"W-w-what the heck are those?!" Kayla asked extremely terrified.

"Are those actual... zombies?" Trevor questioned.

"Yes! They have real rotting skin and everything!" Super Mario boy shouted.

"I even touched one..." Wolverine boy stated in an uncomfortable tone.

"...TMI." Kayla replied in disgust.

"Oh, come on guys. How do we actually know those are the real deal? They're probably just some teenagers in costume trying to scare us." Katherine announced.

"Well... they're doing a good job at it." Daniel said in a nervous tone.

"We're telling the truth! Those zombies are real!" Wolverine boy yelled.

"Look kid, just because you said they're real doesn't mean they are!" Katherine shouted back.

"Yeah they are!" He argued.

"No they're-- umm... Courtney, where are you going?" Katherine asked.

"I'm going to ask them if they're real zombies!" She announced as she ran towards the zombie pack.

"Are we seriously going to let her do that? Steph chimed in.

"She's fine. It's not like they're real anyway." Katherine answered.

Suddenly, they heard Courtney let out a scream.

"Courtney!" Brianna shouted.

The group quickly rushed over to where they heard the scream... Once they arrived they noticed Courtney being surrounded by the zombie pack. They were pulling and ripping at her costume getting ready to eat her.

"Hey! Knock it off! It took me weeks to put this costume together!" She yelled.

The zombies ignored her and continued to rip apart her costume. Brianna quickly came to Courtney's aid and gave one of the zombies an aggressive shove. The zombie's head popped off as it fell to the ground.

"What... the... hell?" Brianna stuttered.

"Uhh... those aren't costumes are they?" Steph asked nervously.

"...Nope." Katherine answered with a stunned look on her face.

"See! I told you! They're real!" Wolverine boy yelled.

Seeing the now headless zombie, Daniel lets out a terrified scream, causing the zombie pack to draw attention to them. The zombies began to slowly limp towards the group.

"Alright...we need to run... like now!" Trevor suggested with a sense of panic in his voice.

"Good idea!" Brianna agreed as she grabbed Courtney's arm and ran.

The group ran as fast as they can back to the house and quickly locked the door. Everyone at the party began to stare; all of them with concerned looks on their faces.

"Guys, what's wrong? You all look like you just saw a ghost." Mrs. Reyes said with concern.

"Worst, mom. We saw... zombies." Katherine answered.

Mysteries of Willow Oak: Zomboween NightWhere stories live. Discover now