Chapter 5 - Search and Destroy

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The well equipped zombie hunters left the Vanbuskirk's backyard and went out into the neighborhood to search for the unwelcome guests. They decided to take different paths hoping to quickly eliminate the army.

"Come on, David, keep up! Why are you lagging behind?" Steph shouted.

"My feet and legs are tired... Can we just take a little break? We've been walking for hours." He complained.

"No! And we've only been walking for ten minutes, how can you be tired already?"

"Well, it feels like an hour. I'm just going to sit here and rest for a bit... maybe take a short cat nap." He said as he sat down on the sidewalk and leaned against a wall getting ready to fall asleep.

"David, get up! This is not the time for a nap! We are hunting zombies!"

Suddenly, five zombies turned the corner quickly noticing Steph's yelling and started limping towards her. She immediately spotted the zombies...

"David... get up... there's zombies approaching..."

David was fast asleep leaving Steph on her own.

She sighed heavily.

"Why did I have to get stuck with you...?"

The zombies continued to creep closer. Steph had no other choice, she had to fight off them off while protecting herself and a sleeping David. She held her shovel tightly, ready to attack. As they drew near, Steph swung her shovel and hit each of the zombies. But only knocking them on the ground. Apparently, the shovel wasn't very effective.

"Seriously? ...Good job picking the shovel, Steph." She muttered to herself

She then notices David's gardening hoe sitting next to him as he slept. She quickly grabbed it and stabbed each of the zombies in the head before they could get back up; killing them on contact. A bit of blood from the now deceased zombies splattered on her face and clothes.

"Oh, thank goodness..." She said with a sigh of relief.

"Ah, now that was a nice nap." David expressed as he got up and stretched. "Hey, Steph... you got a little blood on your face. Did something happen?"

Steph gave him an annoyed glare then stormed off.

"Uh... did I miss something?" He said confused.

In another area of the neighborhood, Trevor and Katherine are seen walking on a quiet neighborhood street

"So, where do you think these zombies came from?" Trevor asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. They couldn't just appear, right? They had to come from somewhere. They couldn't have came from a cemetery, because we don't live near one. The nearest cemetery is miles from here. There's no way zombies could walk that far without anyone seeing them." She replied.

"Maybe our neighborhood was build on top of a burial ground or something?" He said.

"Hmm... that would explain why they would appeared like this. Or maybe these zombies are actually people who used to live here years ago and once they died they were buried here instead of in a cemetery. And perhaps they were disturbed when our neighborhood was build?"

"So we're actually dealing with disturbed residents of a neighborhood built years ago?"

"It's possible?"

"Wow, it makes me feel a little bad that we're--"

Before Trevor could finish, the two heard a noise coming from behind them.

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