Chapter 6 - Zillions of Zombies

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Everyone stood in shock as soon as they heard what came out of Brianna's mouth

"Are you serious? How did this even happen?!" Katherine shouted.

"Yes, tell us how a big, strong, confident guy like Dallin got bitten by a weak, brainless zombie?" Anthony mocked.

"Well, macho man here decided to take on twenty zombies by himself, which ended up being too much for him, and resulted with him getting bitten on the arm. I had to step in before they completely devoured him. Although, if they did, I wouldn't have to carry him..." Brianna explained irritated.

"I don't believe this. Of all people, he's the one who gets bitten?! The strongest member of our group... gets bitten. How are we going to fight them now with him like this?" Katherine shouted.

Um, hello! He is not the strongest just because he overdoes it on weight lifting and protein shakes! I am just as strong as he is, if not stronger!" Brianna shouted back.

"This is not about who's stronger. Dallin's condition is our main priority right now." Trevor interrupted.

"Yeah, is he... like going to turn into one of those hideous things?" Kayla said worried.

"Of course not, why would he?" Katherine asked.

"Because I've seen zombies movies and TV shows, Katherine. And whenever a person gets bitten by a zombie they immediately turn into one."

"We're talking reality here, Kayla. There's no way Dallin is going to turn into one of those... right?" Katherine said uncertain

The group fell quiet as they gave each other concerned looks...

"So... say he was going to turn... How would we be able to prevent it from happening? Is there a cure or something?" Trevor asked.

"Well, in the TV series they haven't found a cure yet. There might not even be a cure." Kayla answered.

"For the last time, this is real life! Not some TV show! There has to be a cure!" Katherine shouted.

"How do you know? It's not like they sell zombie cures at drugstores!" she argued.

"Why don't we just start by treating his wound first before he gets worst." Steph suggested.

"Right, so where do we go? The hospital? The emergency room?" Trevor asked.

"No. We can't have anyone else finding out what's going on here. We can take him to my house; my parents are doctors and they keep this huge first aid kit in the house." She answered.

Just then, Dallin begins to moan loudly as he continues to lean on Brianna's shoulders.

"Can we please hurry before he starts drooling on me?" Brianna proclaimed.

The group heads towards Steph's house which was a small, two story tan house, with a brown tile roof. Once they arrived at their area of the neighborhood, they noticed about one hundred or more zombies lurking and surrounding the houses.

"Oh my lord..." Kayla said in astonishment.

"Great, one problem after the next. Okay, show of hands, who wants to just give up and let the zombies take over?" Anthony said raising his hand.

Everyone except Katherine, Brianna, Trevor, Steph, and Esli raised their hands.

"Alright, it's settled. Come on guys, let's go prepare for the zombie apocalypse. " Anthony announced as he started to walked away from the group while everyone who raised their hands trailed behind him.

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