Chapter 3 - Protect the Trick or Treaters

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The entire room once again filled with laughter. These people wouldn't believe real zombies are actually roaming the streets. Especially on Halloween.

"Oh, not you guys too!" Mrs. Reyes laughed. 

"Mom, we're telling the truth! There really are undead zombies outside! We just got chased by a bunch of them!" Kayla yelled.

Mrs. Reyes continued to laugh.

"You know, it does actually sound a little far-fetched when you say it like that..." Katherine uttered.

"How do you expect all of us to believe something like that on Halloween? Do you know how silly that sounds?" Mrs. Reyes replied still laughing.

Suddenly, a pack of rotting arms broke through the front window; terrifying the party guests. It was the zombie group who had finally caught up to the kids.

"Ahhh! They're here! They're here! And we are so dead!" Daniel screamed.

"Hey! I don't know who you guys are, but you do not break my window! You hear me! This prank has gone too far! I'm calling the police!" Mrs. Reyes shouted in anger.

"Mom... please don't make the zombies more angry than they already are." Katherine begged.

"Those aren't zombies, Katherine! Get serious! These are delinquents in costumes who are going to pay to get this window fixed!" She screamed.

"Forget about the window! What are we going to do about the pack of zombies clawing their way into the house?!" Kayla shouted.

"I'll handle them! A couple of minutes is all I need!" Dallin responded in confidence.

"A couple of minutes of what? You getting eaten?" Anthony replied.

"Of course not! They won't lay a hand or a tooth on me." Dallin answered as he heading towards the door.

"No, you idiot! We have to find a way to block them from getting inside!" Brianna yelled as she stopped Dallin from leaving.

"Why don't we use the bookcase?" Trevor suggested.

"Yeah, good idea!" Brianna said as she and Trevor moved towards the bookcase.

Trevor, Brianna, and Esli moved the bookcase over to the window to block out the zombies.

"What about the other windows? They might find other ways in." Steph recommended.

"We need to try and seal every possible opening." Trevor proposed.

"He's right! Come on guys, hurry!" Katherine ordered as she, her sisters, and their friends went to board up the rest of the windows.

"Wait! Where are you guys going?" Mrs. Reyes asked.

"Look, mom. I know you don't believe us, but we know what we saw. And we're going stop them anyway we can before it gets worst." Katherine declared.

As Mrs. Reyes stood there looking confused, the kids began to block all of the windows and doors in the house with something heavy. After that was done, fifteen minutes had gone by and there was no sign of the zombies near the front window.

"Looks like they gave up..." Steph announced.

"Okay, so what now? Now that they're gone, do we just go back to normal?" Trevor wondered.

"I don't know. I guess? I mean they stopped bothering us, so..." Katherine said unsure.

"Well, if they got bored with us, then they'll probably just go after someone else..." Steph informed feeling worried.

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