Chapter 9 - The Source

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What our heroes saw was a fifty foot tall beastly behemoth made out of nothing but zombies. Its extremely foul odor of a million rotten corpses filled the air around them. Over hundred zombies stood underneath the behemoth and continued increasing their numbers per second. This was indeed the source they have been looking for.

Kayla's shrill screaming got the Behemoth's attention; revealing the group's cover. The increasing number of zombies that stood under the Behemoth started to slowly limp towards the slayers, getting closer and closer.

"Way to go, Kayla..." Katherine said glaring at her sister.

"When I'm scared I scream okay!" Kayla shouted.

"Well, can you try being scared without being overdramatic?" Katherine asked.

"I don't know. Can you try talking without being a jerk?" Kayla replied.

"Enough! We should be out there fighting that thing, not each other! Now let's go!" Brianna stated.

"Have you seen the size of it? It's massive! It will seriously slaughter us!" Kayla shouted even louder.

"What do you expect us to do then? Just stand here and let it kill us? This thing is obviously the source we're looking for and the cause of all of this mess. It's time for us to stop hiding and running away and start fighting back!" Brianna protested, backing away from her friends.

"She right. We need to put an end to this." Trevor agreed.

"We need to have a plan before we decide take on something that massive! Not to mention the army of zombies that are coming for us!" Katherine explained.

"Fine! Stand there and make your plan! I'm going to go and actually do something productive!"Brianna shouted.

"Brianna, behind you!" Esli screamed.

Before she could turn around, a zombie latched onto Brianna's back and sunk its rotting teeth into her right shoulder. She screamed in pain as the blood poured down her arm, staining her shirt.

Trevor quickly removed the zombie by hitting it with a shovel, causing it to fall to the ground. Brianna then revved up her chainsaw and killed the zombie; wincing in pain. The other zombies rushed towards the group ready to attack. Brianna, ignoring the pain in her shoulder, began sawing them in half as they came. With Trevor, Esli, and Daniel fighting alongside her.

"I'm sure I'm not the only one who's thinking this, but I'm really getting sick of these things." Daniel said while striking a zombie in the head with an axe.

"There's way too many of them! We can't keep this up for long!" Esli shouted.

"It's that monster! It's creating more of them each second! We need to find a way take it out!" Steph explained.

"Easier said than done!" Katherine shouted.

"I'll just do the same thing as before and plow my way through..."

Brianna tried to rev up the chainsaw again, but the pain in her shoulder grew to intense.

"Ugh... I can't. I'm in too much pain. Someone else has to do it..." She said holding her right shoulder.

"I'll do it! I always wanted to use one of these." Courtney said in excitement as she took the chainsaw from Brianna.

Courtney revved up the chainsaw and started plowing through the corpses; giggling and laughing as bits of guts and blood covered her entire body.

Mysteries of Willow Oak: Zomboween NightWhere stories live. Discover now