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Stevie's POV
Its been three days since Alex as been passed out. She looks pale, she is warm more then she should be. I walk away and light a cigarette. I look out the window. Karma walks up me and lights one too. I sigh.

"Karma. Its been three days."I said looking out the window and taking at drink of beer. She sighs.

"Yeah and you haven't been sober since then."she said looking at me. I nod my head.

"I know."I said before finishing my beer and grabbing another one. I take a sip and sigh. Marley walks in. I look at him.

"You said a day or two. Its been three!"I yell at him. He looks at her and then at me.

"I'm sorry."he said. I sigh and finish my cigarette. I take another drink of my beer. He looks at me and take the beer out of my hand.

"When she wakes up do you really want her to see you like this."he said looking at me. Karma looks at him and then me.

"She might not wake up and its all your fault!"I yell at him, taking the beer back.

"Oh my god just stop fighting."Alex said. I look at her. She walks over to me. I start to cry. She hugs me. I hug her back and pick her up and spin her around. She is warm. I kiss her and she kisses me back. She pulls away.

"Marley. I'm sorry."I said looking at him. He smiles.

"Its okay. I love you Stevie."he said looking at us. I smile.

"I love you too."I said looking at him. He smiles. Alex looks at me.  I smile. Marley walks away. It's just Alex and I in the kitchen. She kisses me. I kiss her back. I kiss her neck. She tightens her grip on my hips. She digs her nails into my sides. She bites my lower lip. She pulls away.

"How do you feel?"I ask her she smiles and looks at me.

"Great."she said before Marley walks in. He smiles at us.

"Stevie you go get cleaned up and I will make sure that Alex eats."he said. I look at Alex and I kiss her and she kisses me back. I pull away and give her a jacket she puts it on and smile. I walk up stairs and into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me. I start the shower and I take off my shirt and then I hear the front door get kicked in. I drop my shirt and slowly open the door and quitely walk down the stairs. Marley looks at me. I look to see who kicked in the door. It's Danni and Devon. Devon grabs Marley's neck and squeeze it. He pulls out a knife and stabs Marley over and over again. I push him away from Marley. He looks at me and he slaps me acrossed my face. I feel blood on my lip. They run away. I rush over to Marley. I place my hands on the wounds.

"Marley stay with me come. I can't do this alone. I can't do this with out you. Your alpha and more importantly your my brother, my best friend."I said crying he places his hand on my cheek. He rubs my cheek with his thumb. Alex gets on the flipe next to me.

"Stevie you will make a great alpha. I promise you can do this, I know you can. Alex please keep my sister safe please thats all I asked. I love you so much Stevie."he said before he took his last breath.

"Marley! Marley please."I said. I start to cry harder. Alex pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around her tightly. Karma calls Maya and Devon, so they can take him home for the funeral.

"When Devon and Maya get here I want to go back home please."I said looking at Alex. Alex nods.

"Karma will you guys please pack a bag. I want you to come home with us. We need you guys."Alex said looking at them. They nod and go and pack a bag. I look at Alex. She kisses my forehead. I cry.

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