Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The last few weeks had been pure torture for Preston, not only had Robert been talking nonstop about the twins and how he had found the perfect nanny. He was supposed to meet her later today after class. He wasn’t in the mood to sit around and get to know the women that was going to take care of the twins. He just knew he was going to be put in a foul mood today; he had his creative writing class today and knew he was going to have to put up with Joaquin. He woke up late since Robert had an early class and wasn’t here to wake him up. He was annoyed that he had overslept because he couldn’t sleep last night. He got dress and grabs the breakfast sandwich Robert had left for him. When he walked into the classroom he was relieved that the professor wasn’t there yet, but when he looks around for a seat he only finds one and it’s next to Joaquin. He felt like his heart just dropped into his stomach. He didn’t believe his day could get worse than it already was. Preston takes the seat next to Joaquin and gets his stuff out of his bag.

“Oh how nice of you to grace me with your present.” Joaquin said as Preston rolled his eyes. “Don’t you think you are cutting it kind of close there? I mean you’re usually the first one here, but today you’re the last one here.” Preston wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of responding to him. “Let me guess you and Mr. wonderful decided to squeeze in a quickie this morning and lost track of time.” Preston felt his face grow hot but ignored him, but he knew Joaquin enjoyed making him blush. Also knew that any time he mention sex Preston’s face lit up like a stop light. Today he wasn’t going to let him get under his skin. Preston continued to face the front of the classroom and waited for Professor Johnson to walk in. “Ah you’re going to straight out ignore me wow and here I thought you were a nice person.” Preston continued to ignore him, Joaquin didn’t know what it was about Preston, but he enjoyed watching him blush. Something about the way his cheeks grew bright red intrigued him. “So I have been wondering about you and your fiancée,” Joaquin said as he gestured air quotation marks. “I mean we have been at school for about almost two months and I have yet to see you with anyone. So I’m thinking you made up this fake fiancée just to play hard to get and I got to say the ring was a nice touch. To tell you the truth it wasn’t necessary, but then again I do enjoy a good chase every once in a while.” Preston was finding it very hard to ignore him, he was just tempted to get up and leave, but didn’t want to miss out on class today. Preston tried his best and continues to ignore him; he would eventually get tired and give up. “You know what else I enjoy more than a good chase?” Where the hell is Professor Johnson? Twenty minutes had passed and he still wasn’t here, Preston thought to himself. He was now holding his pencil so tight that he might snap it into two if he tightens his grip. Just listening to Joaquin voice was annoying and it didn’t help that he wouldn’t shut up. He figured the only way to get him to shut up was to just answer him. Preston turned to look at him and said, “What.” He could see the grin on Joaquin’s face grow, then he leaned in close to Preston’s ear and whispered, “Showing a bottom the time of his life.” Joaquin pulled away from Preston and winked at him. Preston was to stun to say anything, all he heard was the pencil snapping in his hand and snapped him back to what had just happened. Preston shook his head and faced Joaquin, who was laughing at him. Preston was about to tell him off, but someone had walked into the classroom.

“Can I have everyone attention, I’m sorry to inform you that Professor Johnson has fallen ill and won’t be in for the rest of the week. Your class will resume same time next week; you are all free to go.” The man said and walked out of the room, everyone else started to walk out. Preston grabbed his stuff and left, but not before telling Joaquin off.

“You crossed the line with that last comment; you need to get it through your thick head that I am not in to you. I have a fiancée who I love by the way and make me happy. I don’t need a skimming douche like you trying to hit on me. And you should count your lucky stars that I don’t tell him what you just said to me.” Joaquin just stared at him and then he started to laugh at him again.

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