Chapter Twenty-Two

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*A/N Well people here's the moment of truth, hope you guys are  not too disappointed with it. Also i want to dedicate this to Tiggermazz , thanks for becoming a fan and i'm glad you enjoy my story! *

Chapter Twenty-Two

The month had passed and Preston was on edge, he was losing sleep and his appetite decreased. Preston looked in the mirror; he could see that he had lost weight. The bags under his eyes were getting bigger, with each passing day. He knew he had to tell Robert, he couldn’t go on lying to him. He still hadn’t come up with a way to tell Robert, there wasn’t going to be an easy way to tell him. Now it was Friday and he either had to tell Robert himself or have Joaquin tell him, because there was no way he was going to be Joaquin’s sex slave. Preston finished dressing and made his way to the kitchen.

Preston found the kitchen empty and the whole apartment was quiet. Preston walked over to the counter to found his breakfast and a note. Preston picked the plate and note, he sat down to eat. He opened the note as he ate:

‘Good morning amor, I hoped you slept well. Sorry I had to leave early, had some important errands to run before my first class. If you’re wondering where Ramona and the twins are, they leave early this morning to Fort Lauderdale. Your mother in law has been bugging me when she was going to see the twins. So I asked Ramona to drive down there and drop the twins off. So we are going to have the entire apartment to ourselves tonight. So don’t make any plans for tonight and I have a big surprise for you. I will see you later tonight. I love you forever and always, your snookums.’

 Preston read the note again, it made him feel worse. Whatever Robert had planned for him, he was going to ruin it when he tells Robert. He was about to ruin their life together, Robert had just barely gotten back to his old self, he was even happier then he used to be. Now all that was going to change again, Preston threw away the rest of his uneaten food and made his way to school.

Preston sat in his car, thinking of the best way to tell Robert. He had to tell him today, if he didn’t Joaquin would and he would say it in the most hurtful way possible. Preston walked into the classroom and took his seat; he was waiting for Joaquin to show up. He knew he would seat next to him just so he could make sure Preston will give him my answer.

Someone sat down next to Preston; he turned to the side and saw Joaquin with a big grin on his face. Preston closed his eyes and turned to face the front. He could feel Joaquin staring at him, but ignored him. He tried his best to focus in class, but was finding it hard to do so. He knew once he gave his answer to Joaquin, it was only going to be the start of his problems. As soon as Professor Johnson dismissed them, Preston grabbed his things and walked out of the classroom, he knew Joaquin was right behind him.

“So beautiful today is the day, so have you decided?” Joaquin asked Preston as he stepped closer to him. “Or I’m I going to have to hunt down Mr. wonderful?” Preston closed his eyes, he was going to hate himself for what he was about to do.

“I will be your sex slave,” Preston whispered. Joaquin smiled and touched Preston’s face, but was smacked away. “Just because I agreed doesn’t mean you have the right to touch me whenever you want.” Preston spat back.

“Oh aren’t we feisty today, but I can fix that. You are to be at my dorm room at nine tonight.” Joaquin grinned, “Don’t worry you’re going to love what I have in store for us tonight.” Preston watched as Joaquin walked away, he had only a few hours to tell Robert. Before Joaquin finds out Preston lied to him about becoming his slave. It was the only thing he could do to buy time to tell Robert, before Joaquin could.


Robert got home late in the afternoon; he only had about two hours before Preston got home. He was going to make it up to Preston; he was going to give him the valentines he had promised him. Robert got started on setting everything up for the special evening he has planned. Tonight was going to be the night Robert tells Preston the good news.

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