Chapter Nineteen

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A/N Sorry its short, it's just mainly a filler chapter but enjoy none the less.

Chapter Nineteen

            Preston place Ramona’s last bag in her new room, he was so glad that she finally moved in with them. He walked back to the living room, where Robert and Ramona were talking. He sat down next to Robert and leaned up against him, he looked around the room and this is how it should have been like in the beginning. Had everything gone as plan, he would have never fallen into temptation and slept with Joaquin. Preston let out a loud sigh, the guilt was really getting to him, but he just couldn’t tell Robert. If it’s one thing Robert hates, it is being lied to. Then for him to find out he had slept with Joaquin was going to make it worse. He just couldn’t tell him, it would kill him to find out. He just hoped Joaquin would keep his mouth shut.

      “So amor, what do you feel like doing now that we can go out?” Robert asked as he pulled Preston closer to him. Preston didn’t really feel like going out, he would rather stay home.

       “Why don’t we just stay in and we can all watch a movie. I’m not really in the mood to go out and I can even cook for all of us.” Robert looked at Preston and smiled at him.

       “Ok, but please no romance movies, can we at least go for a comedy?” Robert pouted at him; with the guilt Preston was feeling right now he would do anything for him.

       “Yes we can watch a comedy and I will make you anything you want for dinner.” Robert frowned at Preston.

      “Ok who did you cheat on me with?” Preston tensed up and froze; did he really look that guilt? He didn’t know what to say, what was he going to say when he told him it was Joaquin?

      “Why would you ever say something like that?” Preston murmured. Then Robert started to laugh and kissed Preston on the neck.

      “I’m just kidding amor; I’m just shocked you would actually let me watch a movie of my choice.” Preston laughed nervously.

      “Well I just thought it would be better to watch something different for once. Besides we all know how much you hate romance movies.”

      “Good wasn’t really in the mood of pretending to watch a movie I didn’t care for. So I will run to the video store and rent a movie, while you get started on dinner. Don’t really care what you make, surprise me.” Robert got up and kissed Preston before he walked out of the apartment. Preston walked into the kitchen to get started on dinner. Ramona walked in after him and stood next to him.

       “Is everything alright?” Preston had a feeling Ramona might know something was bothering him, but he didn’t trust her enough to know if she could keep it to herself.

“Yeah just really tried that’s all, so you want to help me with dinner?”

     “Sure just tell me what you need help with.” Preston told her what he needed her to do, they worked in silence. Preston watched Ramona as she worked and could see she was in deep thought. He felt like she might be thinking about if he had really cheated on Robert. If she was, it was only going to cause more problems for him. He can only hope that he was just being paranoid about it. As much as he wanted to tell Robert, he couldn’t was also afraid of losing him.

         Robert and Preston bide Ramona and the twin’s goodnight. They walked to their room and climbed into bed, it was nice to go to bed and not have to worry about the twins waking up. Having Ramona there was really going to help them out a lot. Preston curled up next to Robert and rested his head on his chest.

        “Oh god it feels so nice to go to bed and not have worry about getting up every hour to see if the twins are alright.” Robert said as he played with Preston’s hair. “It is going to be weird not having to wake up in the middle of the night for feedings or diaper duty.” Robert chuckled, Preston scrunched up his nose. He knew why Robert was laughing, he hated that he will always remember the first time he had changed Sebastian’s diaper in the middle of the night. After what happened, he stuck to just changing Sidney’s diaper.

“You will never forget about that are you?” Robert laughed harder.

       “I’m sorry amor, it’s just not every day you see your son pee on someone. Oh god he got you good too.” Preston pinched Robert’s arm, Robert let out a yelp. “Ow amor, why are you being so rough, I thought you weren’t into that?” Preston rolled his eyes.

     “Ugh you’re such a horn dog, besides I didn’t pinch you that hard. So don’t be a big baby about it.”

     “You are so mean to me sometimes, your luck I love you so much.” Robert kissed him on the top of his head. He knew he was lucky that Robert love him so much. “Aw sleeping tonight is going to feel great tonight.”

    “Tell me about it, we are actually going to be able to sleep through the entire night. Good thing too, you could really use the sleep snookums.” Robert nodded his head.

      “Amor, can I ask you something?” Preston sucked in his breath, the pounding in his ear got louder. He had a feeling he knew what he was going to ask, he was suspecting that something happened between him and Joaquin. He wasn’t ready to tell him, he didn’t want to have to tell him. It would only ruin things between them.

“Um what is it?” Preston stammered

       “I know we never really talked about this, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry.” Preston sat up and turned to face Robert, he was confused what was he sorry for? As far as he knew, Robert has done nothing wrong.

    “What are you sorry for, you have done nothing wrong?”

     “I know it’s just that, when I had asked you to marry me and help me raise the twins. I never thought about if you were truly ready to be a dad nor even asked you if you wanted kids to begin with. I just have been thinking lately that you don’t want to be a dad. That at times things get too much for you. I just feel like I didn’t really give you a choice, it was either say yes or say no. by saying yes you had to give up a lot to just be with me. Your young and who at your age would want to start a family so young. I basically took away your time to be wild and free. I just don’t want you to feel like the only way to be with me was to say yes. I should have thought about what you wanted and I didn’t. It’s almost like I forced you to be with me and one day you’re going to realize this isn’t the life you want. That one day I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone.” Robert got off the bed and walked over to the window. Preston walked over to him and turned Robert around to face him. He placed his hands on Robert’s face and looked deeply into his eyes. Those were the same words Joaquin told him, but he knew in his heart he loved Robert. Even though he had a moment of weakness that he could never take back. He loved Robert and he wasn’t going to ever stop loving him.

      “Robert look at me, I said yes because I love you. I said yes because I did want you and the twins. Yes I will admit I had my doubts at times, but I see how happy you are with them and I just know that with time we will be alright. So don’t think you forced me to be with you, I’m with you because I love you. I’m here to stay with you and the twins, for as long as you want me.” Preston leaned in and kissed Robert.

“I want you forever and always, I love you.” Robert wrapped his arms around Preston.

      “I love you too,” Preston whispered. He held on tight to Robert, almost like if he let him go he would lose him. There was no way he could tell Robert about what he did. No matter how much Robert says he love him, there is no way Robert would forgive him. He would rather live with the guilt than live without Robert and the twins.

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