Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

It was the day before thanksgiving, and Preston get stuck helping his mom with the cooking. He really wished his mom would have let Robert help out. Since coming back home, he hadn’t really had a chance to be alone with him. Robert was spending all his time with Chloe and Preston felt jealous. He knew he shouldn’t but she is giving Robert something he could never give him, biological kids. He knew he was just being silly and had no real reason to be jealous of Chloe, it’s not like Robert would ever leave him for her. Robert would never leave him and he has made to clear to Preston. Now if only he could just be happy about starting a family his life would be perfect. ‘So you say it’s perfect, what about the way Joaquin makes you feel. You can’t deny you don’t like it.’ The nagging voice in the back of Preston’s head has been getting louder and he was finding it hard to ignore it, maybe he just needed to talk to someone. He just needed someone who wasn’t going to judge him and just listen to what he has to say. Someone who wasn’t going to tell Robert, he didn’t want Robert to know about the doubts and feelings he has been having. Robert was too good to him and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Preston finished chopping up the vegetables for his mom, apparently that was all she could trust Preston to do after third tray of cornbread burning. Preston places the bowl of chopped vegetables on the counter next to his mom.

“You know had you just let Robert help out you wouldn’t have to be doing all the work yourself.” Preston said as he steals a piece of the non-burned cornbread. His mom shook her head and sighed.

“Is it too late to call him over, because for some reason I thought you were going to be more help? I’m just amusing Robert does all the cooking from the way you look like you put on some weight and his cooking is really good.”  Preston frowned at his mom and looked down at his body; he didn’t think he had put on some weight. Then he heard his mom laughing. “Your worse than a girl, I was joking about the gaining weight part.” Preston rolled his eyes and flicked a piece of cornbread at his mom.

“Your terrible mom, so did you want me to call Robert or not?”

“Yes please call him; I need more help than just you.” Preston laughed and pulled out his phone to call Robert.

“Hello amor, what can I do for you?”

“Hello snookums, well it’s more like what you can do for my mom. She just found out my lack of cooking skills and she needs help.” Robert laughed.

“I knew she was going to need my help, tell her I am on my way. I’ll see you will soon.”

“Ok see you soon.” Preston said as he hung up his phone.

“I take it he is on his way?”

“Yeah and he knew you were going to ask him for help at last minute. He knows I can’t cook to save my own life, he couldn’t even teach me how to cook.”

“He didn’t have the patients to keep trying?”

“No he did, I didn’t have it, and I told him I was a hopeless cause. I was never going to learn, not even a great chef could teach me. Like I told him kitchens don’t like me.” Erin laughed as she shook her head.

“Well it’s a good thing you have him, because then you would starve to death.” Preston laughed.

“Yeah you got that right; he always makes sure to leave me something to eat if he is in class.”

“He spoils you too much; don’t let him slip through your fingers again. I don’t think you will ever find another guy like him.”

“I know,” Preston feel bad that he lets another guy into his thoughts while he had a real great guy that would do anything for him, ‘but move to New York for you. Just so you can run away from the undeniable attraction you felt for Joaquin.’ Preston squeezed the side of his head, he hated when the nagging voice said things he wish that weren’t true. He loved Robert, but now he is thinking that love isn’t enough for him to stay with him. He heard the doorbell ring and got up to answer it. When he opened the door he was greeted by Robert and Chloe, he should have known he was going to bring her.

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