Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Their week together was coming to an end; soon they will start classes and will not be able to spend so much time together. They finally had moved into the apartment and got settled in; the only thing left was to set up the baby's room. Preston wanted to put off doing that room until it was closer to them being born. He felt like if the room was done, then it just made it all too real, he and Robert were going to parents. Preston was seating on the bed when Robert walked into the room and join on the bed.

"What are you writing about?" Robert asked as he tried to look. Preston was writing in his journal, he had been doing that a lot lately. It was the only way it helped his mind rest with all the doubt he had been having.

"Nothing important," Preston said as he closed it and placed it on the nightstand. "So tonight is our last night alone before everyone comes in tomorrow. What do you feel like doing?"

"Anything you want to do and I promise no one is going to spoil it. In fact we both are going to turn off our phone right now. Robert pulled out his phone and took Preston's from the nightstand and turned them off. "There we can do whatever we want and we will not be interrupted. So what is it going to be?" Robert asked as he pulled Preston into his arms. Preston wanted nothing but to stay in Robert's arms all night long.

"I think this right here is fine, just you and me, maybe some takeout and a movie."

"No movie with romance in it," Robert added.

"Ah come on just a little romance in it?" Preston pouted his lips and gave Robert the sad puppy dog eyes.

"No no no I want a movie with action and violence and maybe some carnage. We have been watching too many romance movies this week. I might be gay and in love with a boy, but I'm not a complete pansy. So we are watching an action flick and that is final." Preston wasn't going to give up that easily. He moved Roberts's arms away and climbed on top of him, before settling on Robert's lap. He bent down to kiss him as he slowly unbutton Robert's shirt. Preston lightly kissed him down his jaw and stopped on his neck as he gently nibbled on his sweet spot. Robert tugged on the bottom of Preston's shirt before pulling it off. Robert let his hands wonder over Preston's exposed body, before pulling him closer. Robert gently nibbles on Preston's lower lip to gain access in, but Preston doesn't give in. Robert then slowly moves down to Preston's neck, but stops when he let out a hiss. Preston decided to be the one in control and started to slowly grind against Robert, Robert let out another loud moan as Preston picked up speed. Preston being satisfied with making Robert moan, he leans in and nibbles on his ear lobe. He stops to whisper, "now just image how great it would be if we could finish this." Preston then gets off of Robert and puts his shirt back on. Robert stares at Preston with a flustered look; Preston winked and blew him a kiss as he exited the room. Preston walked into the bathroom, he could hear Robert cry out on agony and swear as he made his way to the bathroom. Preston was leaning against the sink when Robert wobbled in, Preston saw he was hunched over and could see he was in pain. Preston spotted the cause of pain as Robert tried to stand up straight and started to laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Robert asked as he went back to hunching over. "You say you're not a girl, but you're just as bad as them, using sex to get what you want. Got dammit you're going to make my testicles fall off." Robert tried to stand up again, but failed. "You suck by the way." Preston just laughed harder and said, "Sometimes" and winked at Robert. Robert groaned and made his way to the shower.

"You're going to take a shower right now?" Robert turned on the water and removed his shirt, then turned to face Preston.

"Yes I'm going to shower right now; I have a problem I need to take care of as if you didn't notice. Which by the way you caused." Robert tried removing his pants carefully and slowly. Preston heard him hiss and swear again. He walked over to where Robert was, "here let me help you out." Robert put his hand up to keep Preston away from him.

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