Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Preston was looking forward to having lunch with Aden; it's the only free time he had to hang out with him, before heading back to Tallahassee tomorrow. Then after his lunch with Aden he was going to his parents, because they wanted to see the twins one more time before they leave. Preston headed to the twin's room, Robert had just finished dressing them.

"Hey amor," Robert kissed Preston on the cheek. "Are you sure you want to take the twins with you to lunch with Aden? I can always drop them off with you before you head over to your parents." Robert picked up Sebastian, while Preston got Sidney.

"Nonsense, besides Aden wants to see them. I just think you're worried I won't be able to handle them on my own." Preston said as he stared at Robert.

"Oh believe me I know you can handle them, I just want you to enjoy your lunch with Aden. Since this is the first time you two will actually hang out."

"Yes I know, but he wants to see them. He just thinks they are adorable, because they have the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. Well next to their daddy that is, now that I think about it he might have a crush on you."

"Well at least if it doesn't work out between us, I know of someone else I could be with and who will already love the twins." Robert laughed and Preston shook his head.

"God your terrible, what makes you think I would give you up so easily anyway? Sorry you're stuck with me." Preston kissed on the lips.

"Like I would ever leave you for someone else, it would take a lot for you to get rid of me. Well if you are ready to go, I can help you take the twins to the car. As well as everything you are going to need." Robert said as he placed Sebastian in his carrier and grabbed the diaper bag.

"Yeah I'm ready to go." Preston placed Sidney in her carrier and picked her up. They headed out to the car and Robert helped Preston load up the car.

"Are you sure you don't need the car, I don't want to leave without the car."

"No it's fine, beside if I need to go somewhere I can use my parent's or Nora's car. Just go have fun and I will see you later, I love you."

"Ok I love you and I will see you later." Preston drove off as Robert stood in the driveway and waved at them.

Preston pulled up to the restaurant he was meeting Aden. He grabbed the twins and placed them in the stroller and headed inside. He found Aden sitting at the table near the window and walked over to him.

"Hey Aden, sorry I'm late." Preston parked the stroller next to the table and sat down.

"Oh don't worry about it; I just got here a few minutes ago. So how you have been?" Aden asked as he started to play with the twin's.

"Oh I just has been great, how about you?"

"I have been good, I just can't wait until I finish high school, just a few more months of torture. Then I can just start the torture all over again for college."

"Oh college isn't that bad, it's so much better than high school. So what are you going to major in and what colleges do you plan on attending?" the waitress came and took their order.

"Teaching in the field of biology, always been a science geek. I'll be going to FSU as well, so what are you going for?" Aden asked as he took a sip from his drink.

"Journalism, I hope one day I can write for the New York Times."

"Wow, hey can I ask you a question?" Preston laughs.

"Well I think the whole point of us hanging out was to get to ask questions and get to know each other." Aden laughed.

"Well I guess you got me there. Well anyway, why did you choose to go to FSU?"

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