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(10 years later)

Robert laid out the chess board and explains where every piece goes. "Now the thing about this piece here is it can only move forward two spots on its first move. After that it can only move one at a time." Robert moving the white pawn two spots. "Ok always remember when it comes time to take out your opponent's piece, your moves for these are diagonal." He moved the black pawn diagonal knocking the white pawn out. "Now your back row pieces move different than your pawns." Robert picked up the bishop, "your bishop here can move diagonally and can move as many spots as they want on the board." He moved the bishop to take a white pawn out.

Robert continued to explain every piece and how they moved to Sebastian and Sidney. Robert sat back as he watched them play chess while he and Sebastian ate brownies. "Daddy is going to be mad when he finds out y'all took the brownies before dinner." Sidney said as she took out Sebastian's rook.

"Daddy isn't going to find out, we only took four. You can't even tell we took some." Sebastian moved his bishop. "Isn't that right papa?" Sebastian looked at his papa; Robert smiled and nodded his head. "See Sid I told you." Robert chuckled as his children bickered. He loved them so much and he was grateful to have them in his life.

"Robert and Sebastian Ames Castillo, get your butts down here this instant!" Preston yelled from downstairs. The dirty blonde haired boy looked up at his Papa. Robert looked at his son and shook his head. "Oh Papa and Bash are in trouble, daddy sounds really mad. I told you he was going to find out!" Sidney exclaimed. Robert looked at his daughter and his son. They were the splitting image of their dad minus the hazel eyes they got from him. Preston might not have a blood relation to them, but their real mother could have past as Preston's twin sister.

"Dang I was almost positive your dad wasn't going to find out about us sneaking some of the brownies." Robert said as Sidney giggled. "Well son I think we better man up and face the music. So put on your best sad puppy dog face and hope daddy has some pity on us." This caused Sebastian and Sidney to giggle as they watched their Papa make goofy faces.

Robert stood up and stuck his hand out for his son to take. "Well Sidney wish us luck, I have a feeling I'm going to have to do some major kissing up to daddy later." They head downstairs with Sidney following them. They walked into the kitchen to find a very angry Preston standing next to counter with a plate half full of brownies. Sidney went over to the stool and watched.

"Care to explain to me why half the brownies I made for dessert are gone?" Preston asked as he glared at Robert with his arms across his chest, he knew that Robert wasn't the only one that ate the brownies but he was the adult here and had encouraged their son to join him.

"Well amor can I just first start off with how handsome you look today. Is that a new sweater, the color really brings out your beautiful blue eyes." Robert smiled as he placed his hand on his chest.

"No it's not you got it for me two months ago for my birthday. By the way no amount of kissing up is going to get you out of trouble." Preston said.

"Well ok we were only going to just have one, but they were just so good we ended up getting more than we should have." Robert walked closer to Preston and placed his hands on his hip. "Come on amor we are sorry, if anything Bash is just an innocent bystander. So I take all blame and will take whatever punishment you hand out." Robert leaned in to kiss Preston but he turned his head.

"No sir, if you think kissing me is going to make me forget about what you did, you are sadly mistaken." Robert pouted his lips as he reached out and turned Preston's face to him.

"Come on amor, I'm sorry and I know Bash is sorry too, aren't you Bash?" Robert asked the little boy next to him.

"Yes daddy I'm sorry," Sebastian said as he looked up to his daddy. Preston could feel all angry wash away as he stared at his son's sad puppy dog eyes. "Please don't be mad at papa, we just couldn't help it, your brownies are always so delicious." Sebastian added. Preston sighed as he pushed Robert away and kneeled down in front of Sebastian and pulled him into his arms.

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