Reunion Part 2

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Everyone rushes towards the TARDIS as they finally find an area where the Heartless do not spawn in. And thanks to the others, they made a clear path for them to reach the TARDIS. The Doctor then open the door.


Everyone step inside of the TARDIS.


Rory:"Oh my god..."


The Doctor smirks at the reactions and then gets inside and close the door. The TARDIS then dematerialized. And just then, a ginger hair woman comes out of the shop with a bag on one hand and her phone on the other. She looks around to see where the sound was coming from, even look at where the TARDIS was, staring at it as if she can almost see what was there just a moment ago.

Shaun(Through the phone):"Donna?"

Donna snaps out of her trance and bring the phone back to her ear.

Donna:"Yes, yes. I'm still here. Just thought... I heard something... familiar. Nevermind that. So... How is Jason doing? ... Yeah. Listen, I just bought a recorder. Maybe I can teach him how to play it at some point. Maybe have something to anchor him or... at least help him out, or something. ... Yeah. ... Be back around... 5 or 6. ... Okay. ... Oh, yeah? Little dark martians? Oh, please. I'm out here right now, and the only thing that are little and dark are these cubes. Maybe it's some prank or something. ... Or perhaps Nerys finally lost her marbles and think can frighten me with some fairy tale."Donna chuckle."Alright then. Talk to you later, love. Bye."

Donna ends the call and then look back, searching for the source of that noise, but she does not see anything that can make that sound, and yet, she feels sadden by it but does not know why she feels that way by something strange. She then walks away.


The Doctor walk around the console with a smile on his face.

Doctor:"Well, what do you think?"

Amy:"It's quite smaller than the old one."

The Doctor's smile falls.

Doctor:"Well, excuse me, but I was in a very vulnerable state at that time."

Jack:"Got to say, love the atmosphere in this one. Almost reminds me of a bar I used to go to. Did you set the mood to be romantic?"

Doctor:"Easy there. I'm not having any hanky-panky in the TARDIS."

Bill widen her eyes in shock what the Doctor said.


Steve:"Hanky... what?"

Eleven:"What is that?"

Dustin:"I have no idea."

Bill:"Wait until you're older. Even though there is a translation in America, in English, it's a... very common phrase."

Doctor:"Anyways..."The Doctor press some buttons."Back to Storybrooke."

The TARDIS jolts slightly.

Amy:"Tell me his driving improve."

Everyone look at each other with uncertainty in their faces. The Doctor sighs.

Doctor:"It's not my fault. It's been quite some time since the TARDIS last travel to any parallel world. She just needs to get used to it once again then she'll be flying smoothly and safely as before. Especially since we basically have no one to watch over our journey to another world."

Rory:"Safely? Even back then, it was not safely."

Amy:"There have been countless time that the TARDIS have went out of control."

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