Ain't No Christmas Without Alcohol

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********2 Months Later*********

"Haechan... Haechan..? Haechan?!" The sleeping boy heard somebody whisper-shout his name.

"Huh?" he groaned as he sat up on the hard hospital bed "Mark... is that you?"

"Haechan! It's Christmas Day!! They're releasing you today!!" Jisung cheered as he jumped up on Haechan's bed.

"Madde and Sungwoo invited us to their Christmas party!!" Jeno said joyfully.

"So you better get yo ass up and out of that bed 'cause we need to get ready." Mark smiled at him. Haechan smiled back, he was after all finally getting out of that damn hospital and into his everyday life again!

"The others are at the dorm getting ready, so come on! Let's get you checked out!"

********M & S's Apartment********

*Knock knock knock*

"Oh, they're here!!!!" 

The boys could hear Madde squeal in excitement even before she opened the door...

"HEEEEEYYYYY GUYS!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE!!!" Madde basically shouted when she saw them...

"Haha, okay babe! Let's not scare them away too..." Sungwoo said awkwardly as he walked up to Madde to drag her away from the guests to let them in.

''...scare them away too...'?  Uh, oh... what did he mean by that...'  Jisung thought nervously

"Hehe, sorry 'bout that, guys... Madde's probably still a little hungover since yesterday... It'll pass in an hour or so. " Sungwoo stated as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh... what happened yesterday?" Jaemin asked curiously.

"Well, we had our own little Christmas celebration... if you know what I mean." Sungwoo smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

'Ew...' Mark thought. Fortunately, he was the only one who actually knew what Sungwoo meant.

"Hey, what did you mean earlier about "scare them away too"?" Jisung gulped.

"Oh, that? Nothin'... just that Sabbe and Jasse were here earlier to help with preparations for the party when Madde may have threatened them with a knife because they only bought Non-alcoholic Glögg... They should be back any minute now, I think..." Sungwoo stared blankly at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Yeah, that's not traumatic at all..." Renjun stated sarcastically.


*Knock knock*

"That must be Jasse and Sabbe!" Sungwoo said as he skipped to open the door.

"Hey guys! How's it hanging?" A male's voice was heard from the hall. Madde and the boys were curious to see who Sungwoo was talking to. They all snuck up behind Sungwoo and peered over his shoulder.

"Oh... Daniel, it's you." Chenle sighed, sad that it wasn't the two Noonas.

"You sound disappointed Chenle... Not pleased we're here?" Jihoon asked from behind Daniel and the others, sounding a bit sad.

"No, of course, we love having you here! It's just that Sabbe and Jasse have been gone for a long time, and they're not back yet..." Jaemin said worriedly.

"Have you tried calling them?" Daehwi asked.

"Yeah, it went straight to voicemail." Jeno answered.


"HEY, WE'RE BACK!!!" Jasse shouted as she and Sabbe entered the apartment.

"Oh My Gadu!! What took you so long? We were worried about you guys" Madde whined as she went to hug her two friends. Jasse groaned.

"Well, first of all, we had to go to the other side of Seoul just to find the fucking glögg, then they told us that the ones with alcohol were already sold out! So we had to wait for them to fucking unpack the new shipment that they had stored in the back, then when I finally got my hands on the bottles, I realize that Sabbe's gone! So I had to run around the entire fucking IKEA sized shop to look for her...  And guess where she was..." Jasse blurted out so quickly that they almost didn't understand what she was saying.

"You were in the baby section looking at unicorn plushies and tiny baby shoes weren't you..?!" Sungwoo laughed hysterically, almost to the point that it was a bit uncomfortable...

"Exactly..." Jasse sighed.

"I know... Madde does the exact same thing whenever we go shopping together!!" He continued to laugh as he went into the kitchen to continue with the Christmas dinner.

"I constantly say that I want a kid, but he's so dense, I don't think he get's what I'm trying to tell him..." Madde whispered to them

"Sometimes I honestly believe that his head is filled with abs instead of a brain..." Jasse whispered back. Madde punched Jasse on the shoulder.

"Okay, everybody!!! Time for dinner!!!" Sungwoo yelled from the dining room.

Everyone gathered around the table and took a seat, it was filled to the brim with food and drinks and was decorated with tinsel and fake snow...or cocaine, who knows? Ain't no-one brave enough to test it out... Christmas music was playing from the stereo and the lights were dim. All the guests chatted merrily with each other as if they were one big family. A really fucked up family... It truly felt like a merry, merry, Christmas day.

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