Wasted Coffee and Wasted Tears

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I woke up with a massive headache. It was probably all that late night dancing and singing to ABBA. Ugh.

I dragged myself to the kitchen and groggily took out some ice.

I heard my mom's voice shouting an excited 'Gooooood morniiinggg!!' Oh, jolly, she's in a great mood. I mean, what's up with people being in good moods when I'm here dying?!

She came into the kitchen and saw me holding up ice to my head. 'Headache?', she asked.

'Yeah, no shit.' Came my curt reply.

'Do you want to go to school?' She asked, chirpily. (What was up with her, what did she have to make her so happy?!)

I looked at her like she was going insane and said, 'Do I have a CHOICE?'

'Hmm, not really... Anyway, go get ready.'

I rolled my eyes and trodged up the stairs to my room.

I clearly wasn't in a great mood so after my daily morning routine, I threw on the first things I found. Aka, yoga pants, an oversized camp half blood tee, and a grey hoodie.

I went back to the kitchen and ate a few bites of cereal and then just stared ahead till I heard a familiar honking from in front of our house.

'That's my call to go. Bye ma,take care, and lay off the vodka.'

She looked at me dumbfounded, 'You noticed?'

I simply rolled my eyes in response.

A matte black lambo was parked on the porch. The window of the driver's seat was down. Ryan called out, 'Hurry up!'
I rolled my eyes and dragged myself to the passenger's seat.

As soon as I shut the car door I was hit by 'Nice outfit you got on, Tea, it's great to know that I won't be the only one sleeping during lectures.'

I glared at him and flipped him off.

'Ohhhhk, someone's in a bad mood!' Ryan said while taking a turn.

I sighed and replied, 'Just pull up at Starbucks. I need coffee.'

'Yeah I know. Why do you think I've pulled up at Starbucks instead of at school? I'm not that dumb.'

'You are that dumb but nice.' I replied, managing a small smile.

I reached out to open the door when Ryan pulled my hand back saying, 'It's fine, I'll get it.'

'Thank you so much.'

He got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. I leaned back resting my head on the seat. Terrence had messed me up so bad, I was close to not functioning. No one knows what he did, what horrors have befallen me by his hands. I loved him, I believed he did too for he told me so, but it was all a lie, nothing was true, he was a jerk and now I can't trust anyone. I massaged my temples. It was too much, how could he, the one guy I loved, the first guy I loved, the one who made me feel like I was the only beautiful thing on earth, how could he have broken me? Oh I feel like killing him for doing what he did, but I know that I care too much to do something like that. I was so stupid. Hot tears traced my cheeks. I couldn't anymore. I let out a scream and slapped myself. So so fucking stupid. I pulled my hair. I deserved to die for being a stupid naive little girl. Ugh.

Ryan opening the door interrupted my self-pity session. I quickly wiped the tears with my hoodie's sleeve, sniffed, set my hair, cleared my throat and turned to receive my coffee with a smile that couldn't go beyond my lips. 'Th-thank you.' I said, my voice quivering. I refused to meet his eyes because I knew he'd scold me for crying for someone who wasn't worthy of it. And he would be right. He occupied my dreams at night and turned them into nightmares. That's why I couldn't sleep last night, that's why I had to dance and scream ABBA to get me through. I'd even downed some fowl tasting liquor and yeah, I was hungover, to some extent. I'm a mess and....and I hate myself for it.

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