An Announcement and an Outburst

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A month passed, the usual way. All that differed from the other school days was, Ryan sitting at our table during lunch, just to be with Rita. They kept going on dates and were in the awkward in-between stage in their relationship. I was the third wheel and that should have been fine with me, but it wasn't. I kept feeling this unexplainable anger towards Rita, and this weird protectiveness and yearning to be with Ry all the time. Tali says I'm jealous of Rita, but, why would I be?

Currently, I was walking to my locker. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. God, it's the weirdest feeling ever, your butt vibrates along with the phone. I took my phone out to see a message from Alexia.

Alexia: Meet me, ur place, after school?

Me: Sure

Alexia: Yay! We've not talked in FOREVER!

Me: We literally met just three days ago

Alexia: Yeah, but I miss youuuuu😞.

Me: Alright, alright🙄😂.

Me: K, bye. I gtg rn. Ttyl.

Alexia: Byeee, lyy❤️

Me: Aww, ly2.

I put my phone back in, grinning to myself. Alex was such a cutie sometimes. She somehow ALWAYS managed to lift my spirits. She's an amazing friend. And she's really pretty.... and tall. Why. Are. All. My. Friends. PRETTIER AND TALLER THAN ME?! It isn't fair.

I was lost in my thoughts, when a muscular arm rested itself on its shoulder. Naturally, I smacked it, hard.

'Ow, Tea! Why so violent?' Owner of the arm said, not lifting it from my shoulders.

I turned to see Ry, grinning down at me. I simply rolled my eyes, unable to keep the smile off my face.

'What do you want Ryce?'

'Why would I want anything? Can't I talk to my best friend without wanting anything?' He said, pouting.

I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to answer my question. He finally gave in and asked the question that was clearly burning into his mind. 'Who were you texting, Tea? Who's the guy who made you smile, huh? Tell me, cmon tell me Tai.' His stupid smile and unnecessary wiggling of his eyebrows made the situation funnier than it was.

I laughed and then answered his question very sincerely, an innocent expression on my face. 'Why, it's my beloved, Alexia!'

Did my answer disappoint him? Yes. Did I regret it? Absolutely not.

'Oh.' His face fell and he scratched his neck, 'Well, of course it was Alexia. Pfft. I totally knew that!'

I laughed some more, 'Yeah, sure you did.'

All of a sudden, Ryan dropped his arm from my shoulder. I looked after him, wondering why, while fiddling with my locker door. I saw him stop at the adjacent locker, right next to a blonde. Ah, that's why. I watched as he lay a kiss on her lips and snaked his arm around her waist. I wanted to backhanded slap her across the face. I tried looking away, but I couldn't. I tried feeling happy for Rita, but, I couldn't.

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