Floral Tees and Unprotective Sunscreen

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'Take it with you, you have earned it!' said the fair queen of the clouds, magically conjuring up a tiny cloud next to her.

'I cannot accept it, your majesty! You are too kind!' I replied politely.

'But you must! We rarely have guests here, so i must send you home with a gift!' she insisted.

'But a whole cloud in the form of cotton candy?! I mean no offence, my lady, but isn't that slightly over the top?'

'Over the top?! It is in fact, a little too less!' the fair maiden remarked.

'Well then, I shall accept your gift with immense gratitude.'


With that, she snapped her icy fingers and sent me floating down to my bed where I landed softly, my head on a cushion-y, cloudy  pillow. The cloud soon morphed into my own pillow, and I wrapped my arms around it and snuggled into it.

It was warm, comfy and perfectly shaped, but slightly off. Wait, why was it so damn warm?

I opened my eyes slowly, looked down at what i was sleeping on and pushed myself off the bed with a start. My warm pillow was Tali's ass. Wow. What even.

'Yo, what the hell Tai?! Why'd you take that thing off me? I was comfy!!' Tali said groggily, looking at me through her messed up, black hair.

'Uh, I hate to break it to you, but the "comfy thing",' I said, making air quotes, 'Was my head. On your butt.'

'You were sleeping on my butt?! Oh lord!' She said in between laughs.

'Yeah.' I said, joining in on the laughter. I think it's gonna be a good day.


Tali was going to be staying over for another day before she left, and that was good enough for me. She accompanied me to Ryan's place where Leo was staying over. Alexia and Rita would be joining us in a couple of minutes. We had planned to go to the movies and then to the beach, I mean, it was summer after all.

I raised my hand to knock on Ryan's door but stopped. I turned to Tali with a questioning look.

'Good Lord! Tai, trust me, you look amazing! Now shut up and knock.'

I gulped and proceeded to knock. Why was I nervous?

The door opened when i raised my arm to knock once more. I laughed at the sight of the two guys in front of me. Both were clad in ridiculous floral shirts, khaki shorts and had some terrible looking shades on. Did I mention floral shirts?

'What the heck?' I said, laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

Next to me, Tali was choking on the water that she was sipping before the big reveal.

'Like what you see, huh?' Ry said with a smirk, flexing.

'I know I don't!' replied Tali.

'I agree with the woman.' I announced.

'Well, you need to bear with it for how much ever time it takes to reach the coast.' Leo told me.

'What about the movies?' said Alexia, coming from behind us, 'Also, hey.'

'We couldn't find any good movie.' Ry said with a shrug, 'So we're just going to the beach.'

'Sounds fun babe.' came Rita's voice

I tried not to gag as she made her way to Ryan. Ryan put his arm around her and started to walk towards his car. That was cue for all of us to follow.

We had to squeeze into the car because dear Ryan forgot to ask his dad for the SUV. Typical.

Naturally Rita called shotgun. I mean, she was the girlfriend after all. Alex, Tali, Leo and I had to sit at the back. I was sitting on Alex because she was the strongest in the backseat and was most comfortable with me. Tali suffered in the center, while Leo rested his head against the window. And we were off.


We arrived in a short period of time. I knew that everyone was extremely happy, and so was I. This day could never be ruined.

Turns out I was the only fool who hadn't applied sunscreen. So I had to stay back and apply it all over myself while the rest of them ran to the water. Applying this lotion was a task for me as every inch of my extremely tan-prone skin had to be covered by it.

I was massaging the sunscreen onto my legs when I heard steps behind me. There was barely anyone around where I was, so it could be..... No, I was overthinking. It was the beach! There are hundreds of people who love the beach! With that I shook the suspicion out of me.

I had just finished my work when suddenly, I felt hot air on my shoulder. Someone's breath. Strong arms snaked around my waist and caged me. I took in a deep breath and froze. That scent, I'd recognize it anywhere.

'Miss me, love?' came a cold voice accompanied that confirmed my fears. Terrence. He was back.

Y'all, shits about to go down rn. New character next chapter btw. Also I got a lotta good ideas so I've made a few changes here and there. I promise you'll like it.

Also, I'm in China rn. This place is gorgeous. Half my apps are blocked but it's k.

Song recommendation:

Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish

Comment your guesses on what's gonna happen (bwahahahaha). Thanku so much for reading. Vote if you want to.


Love y'all
Wesha 🖤🖤🖤🖤

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