Detention & Green Eyebrows

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We were sitting at detention, playing hangman. The teacher in charge had fallen asleep. Who can blame her though, i mean, high school didn't exactly have the nicest, most civil people.

'Ugh, I give up. What is it?'

'I forgot....' I replied slowly.

Ry took in a deep breath, 'Seriously?'

'Well you were taking FOREVER!'

'Fine, let's do something else.'

'Like?' I asked.

He turned to look at Ms. Jackson snoring away to glory and then faced me again, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. I immediately understood what he was planning to do.

'Oh, no. I'm not doing that again, ok?'         

'Please? Don't bail out on me Tea, you're my best friend, remember?' he looked at me with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

I looked away because Ryan here, was an expert at looking like an adorable little child and getting what he wanted.

'I said no, Ryan.'

'Please?' He said putting his face in my field of vision. 'Please Taira. I loves you.'

I rolled my eyes at him and finally gave in. 'Fine, God!'

'Yay!' he exclaimed like a child getting chocolate.

'So, same as last time?' I asked.

'With a little twist.' He replied, mischief glinting in his eyes, more like blazing like the sun.

'Oh Lord, why'd I agree to this?' I said, shaking my head and mentally face-palming myself, with a heavy wooden chair.

'I promise you won't regret it.' He told me, his grin deepening. 'Here's what we have to do.' He beckoned me to go closer to him and then he laid out the plan. As expected, it was completely insane, but a good plan nevertheless.

Here's a bit about Ms. Jackson, our amazing (note the sarcasm) biology teacher. The fact that she made my favorite subject as boring as her personality and aura, made me hate her way more than the others did. She has extremely long, wispy hair, the ends of which she dyes green whenever she gets the time. We, the amazing students of Rosewood High, have a theory that she's addicted to dye. I mean she keeps a sachet of it in her purse every day, and to make things worse, some of us had caught her dying the hair she was, oh, so proud of, in the girls washroom. Seriously, what was wrong with our teachers?

Ryan and I tiptoed to her desk, silently thanking God that she slept so deeply and that we were the only ones at detention. Ryan sneaked through her purse, searching for her famous hair dye. Meanwhile, I tied her hair to the chair and stuck pieces of blue-tack in her hair.

Ry held up the dye triumphantly and whispered to me, 'You do the left one and I'll do the right one.'

'Aye-aye, captain.' I whispered back, saluting, and received an eye roll.

I prepared the dye on the lid of the lunch box she had been eating from. Then, I gave Ry a brush and we started dying her eyebrows, green. We used the cotton that Ryan had stolen from the nurse's office, prior to detention, to wipe of the dye. And when we were done, voila! Ms. Jackson looked more like the witch she was. We grinned at each other

Ms. Jackson clearly never paid attention to her looks. It's probably why she had a wispy moustache. We took our brushes and carefully dyed her, well kept, moustache. I was trying hard to hold my laughter in, and from the looks of it, so was Ryan. Once we wiped the dye off her upper lip, we went back to examine our work. Oh! It was a masterpiece. I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing at the same time as Ryan. We ran out of the class and laughed till our sides ached. Oh, tomorrow is going to be great.

We walked back into the room, a solemn expression on our faces. Ryan pushed me to the table. Nice, I had to wake her up while Ryan cleaned the box's lid. Well, waking her up took longer than cleaning the box did. Initially, I tapped her shoulder. Then, I started gently shaking her. And after that,I lost my patience and started shaking her violently, almost like there was an earthquake. She woke up to look at me and, without checking the time, said, 'Detention's over, you can leave.' And then she went back to sleep. Guess she was spending the night here.

On our way out we high fived eachother.

'Now see? That wasn't so bad was it?'

I simply grinned at Ry and said, innocently, 'No, no it wasn't.'

Ryan was oblivious to the mischief in my tone. Pretty sure he'll hate me after this but, it'll be worth it.

Ryan was talking about something and had slung his arm over my shoulder. I transferred the brush, which still had dye on it, to the hand right next to Ryan. I lifted my hand up after making sure that he was completely engrossed in his talk.

I slowly made a thick line on his head and accompanied it with two balls at the bottom. Yup, you guessed it, I made a, a, a-I can't say it ok? But you know what I made on his head and I'm pretty damn proud of it.

I kept grinning ahead, not paying heed to his words. Ry looked at me suspiciously and asked 'I know you're not listening, then why are grinning?'

I held in my laughter and told him, innocently at that, 'Nothing, why would I do anything.'

He saw the brush in my hand and opened his eyes wide in shock, 'Taira, what the heck did you do? I swear to god, Taira, what have you done?'

I started laughing. I couldn't hold it in. 'Check it out yourself.' I said between laughs.

I took my phone out and clicked a picture of his head. When I showed it to him, I regretted not filming his expression.

His hand immediately went to his head and he screamed when he touched the wet spot on his head. He looked at me, horrified, 'YOU MADE A DICK ON MY HEAD?! TAIRA MÜLLER YOURE SO SCREWED!'

The last part made him sound like my dad, but I was too busy laughing to reply to him.

Suddenly he broke out into a grin, 'I'll get you Tai, I'll get you, just you watch.'

I shoved him aside playfully while laughing and replied, 'Yeah, that ain't coming off for a long time, so here's a beanie. Oh wait, I don't have one!' And I started laughing again.

Ry simply smiled and shook his head, 'You're just something else Taira, which planet are you from?'

With that we walked back home. Homework time, yay.

Lolzies, the next day at school will be hilarious, I think. So what did ya think? Do you ship it? Also, new characters coming up, so stuck around, pleaseeeeee?

Thank you so so much for reading, it means a hell lot. Vote if you liked the chapter and comment your thoughts.

Song recommendation:

Broken people by Logic and Rag 'n' Bone Man.

If you're reading this, I want to remind you that you're an amazing person and no one is worth your tears ok? No one. Unless they get into an accident, then you can cry, but otherwise, no one.

Love y'all tons

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