Pillow Fights and Tight Embraces

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Liking Ryan felt weird. That's the way to describe it.  He didn't know, so we were on pretty good terms. Also, the tension between Rita and me had decreased impressively. She approached me for advice, and I gave it to her. It was easy, pretending she was in a relationship with a dummy that came installed with a personality. From Rita's point of view, Ryan was a shitty boyfriend. What can I say except, he's Ryan and one can't expect much.

'Guess what?' Natalia squealed, jumping up and down in my bed while I scrolled through memes.

'What?' I asked nonchalantly, still grinning at my phone.


I wasn't that excited. Okay I was. But not, hyper. Basically, not like Tali. My exams had, surprisingly, been a breeze. Yeah, I'm a straight A student and so are my friends. No, we aren't nerds. We just are amazingly smart. Call me narcissistic, but we are smart, and it can't be helped.

'Oh, joy.'




'What?! I am the sloth, huh?'


I chuckled till a pillow came hurtling at me and smacked me right in the face. I looked up to see Tali smiling triumphantly down at me.

I smirked, 'Oh you're on.'

I was a beast when it came to pillow fights. I remember once, on my birthday, Alex, Ry, Leo, Rita and Tali were over. Ry had made the mistake of throwing a pillow at me. Well, in short, i almost snapped his neck in two.

I picked up the nearest pillow and got up. Tali tried to jump off the bed and escape the blow of my lethal weapon, but her foot was tangled in the bed-sheet. I grinned at her and struck her square in the back. The blow caught her off guard causing her to lose her balance and fall flat on her face. I was triumphant. Three cheers for the victorious queen.

'Aha!' i exclaimed, slinging the pillow over my shoulder.

'Please don't..' Tali begged, her words muffled by the mattress in which her face was buried.

'Oh i will.'

i placed one foot on her back and looked out the window, pretending I was a knight who'd won a duel. 



'What the hell?' I muttered under my breath

I saw someone behind the bushes. From where i was standing, it looked like a blur of curly hazel hair which i associated so distinctly with him, and some black, probably binoculars. I left the pillow, got off the bed and made my way to the window. I squinted to make out who it was, but they were gone. Could it be-

'Tai, what's up?' came Tali's voice, which, colored with concern, interrupted my train of thoughts.

'I thought i saw someone...' is replied, slowly turning to face her, my eyebrows knit together.

The change in her expression was drastic. Her forehead was creased in lines of worry, her lips formed a frown and her eyes bore holes into the glass of my window.

'Do you think it was him?' she asked, slowly, her words icy.

'T-Terrence?' i said, my voice quivering, 'I don't know. Could it be? I mean, it's been pretty long, right? And isn't he in England?'

'Oh sweetie, I don't know!' Natalia got up and spread her arms.

I ran into them. Was he really gone? Was i over it yet? Could I ever be? I started sobbing on her shoulder. There was nothing safer than my best friend's arms. They say that your lover is your soulmate, but lucky me, I found my soulmate in my best friend. I thought to myself, I couldn't love any one else as much as i loved her, while she tightened her embrace.


A/n                                                                                                                                                                                                Okay, short chapter, i'm sorry, but at least I'm back. Also, i realized that i have not casted Terrence (I'm pretty sure casted isnt a word) 

So, your girl made a good lotta changes to the plot YAY. Also, I'm happy as hell cuz life's good and school's out for me.

Song recommendation:

Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne 

Comment ideas, thoughts, etc.,etc. Vote if you liked it. THANK YOU SO much for sticking around and reading.

Reminder: Love yourself no matter what, remember you're beautiful and strong, and keep in mind that you can get through it all no matter what.                                                                                           

You'll are legit the shit, and i love y'all                                                                                                                         Wesha🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 

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