If only...(College!Ryoma Echizen)

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Your whole body shivered and you averted your eyes to look away from the burning golden eyes of Ryoma Echizen.

You were in a messy situation. A very messy situation. The room still smelled from last night’s steamy activities and you were sharing a bed with none other than Ryoma Echizen. If the sheets were ripped away from the two of you, it would reveal two naked bodies. But the way you’re fingers desperately clutched to the white fabric, the chances of the sheets moving even an itch were slim to none.

You clutched at your throbbing head as you mentally kicked yourself.

If only you hadn’t celebrated and got drunk with Ryoma this would’ve never happened.

Though your head was aching and hazy, the hot images of Ryoma’s toned body rubbing against yours were clear as day in your head.  His hands explored places you never even noticed that sent you into a flustered mess of goo. You remember calling out his name as you rode him, using his broad shoulders as leverage. The sound of the bed creaking resonated in your mind and you clearly remember him calling out your given name, dropping the –sempai after it as he gripped onto your bouncing hips.

If only Ryoma would’ve just stayed short and cute, instead of finally hitting a growth spurt and getting a boost of male attractiveness.

It was a huge shock to you when you came down for a summer to visit your Kouhai, only to find out he was a whole head taller than you. He smirked, but you were nervous. Your heart had never beat that fast for your 1 year junior and you had only saw him as a brother for the whole four years you knew him. Needless to say, you were happy to fly back to your college dorm that was far far away from his high school campus and escape the heart ache that you felt that whole summer.

If only you would’ve went to different colleges.

Imagine your surprise when you saw the greenish highlights of the tennis prodigy, towering over most of the other students’ heads. You were tempted to turn on your heels and run, but as soon as your eyes locked with his amber ones, you were frozen in your spot. You were nice and polite and eventually your friendship was rekindled and soon after, you guys were inseparable. Your heart still beat fast around him, but you couldn’t let it ruin what you guys had.

Sooner or later he had confessed to you, any girl in her right mind would’ve jumped at the chance to go out with the prodigy since it was obvious he was going places. But for some reason, you couldn’t. It didn’t feel right; actually it felt downright weird to go out with someone who you treated like a brother. And wouldn’t that have made you a cougar since you were one year older than him? You felt horrible when he had stared at you with hurt eyes after your rejection before you turned and ran away.

Usually people would let the person they like avoid them like the plague after they rejected them, but not Ryoma. He had kept pursuing you and even refused to add the –sempai at the end of your name, claiming that you were both adults and intimate enough to call each other by your regular names. You had accepted him as a friend again and in return refused to call him anything less than Ryo-kouhai, struggling to keep the keep the friendship barrier up.

Now years later, the morning after your graduation from college, the friendship barrier had finally been broken. You had slept with Ryoma Echizen and there was no turning back. Under the influence or not, you had let him conquer your soft flesh and you couldn’t blame the alcohol since deep down, you know you wanted it to happen.

“[Name]…” Again you shivered as your name intimately left his lips that felt oh so good on your flesh last night.

Ryoma sighed as he watched you refuse to make eye contact with him before leaning his head back against his arms and stared at the ceiling. Minutes passed with you still in your fetal position on the warm bed and his eyes narrowed at the ceiling before he said, “…I don’t regret it.”

Your eyes widened and you snapped, tears flowing from your eyes as you finally made eye contact with his golden orbs.

 “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Ryoma stared at you silently as he watched you breath heavily. “Don’t say that! I am your senior, you have a lot of girls better suited for you and if only I didn’t take advantage of you last night and if only we went to different colleges, and if only you didn’t confess to me, I wouldn’t feel this way so don’t say inconsider—“ You were left speechless as Ryoma’s lips pressed against yours for what seemed like an eternity before he got up and started grabbing his clothes. You watched in silence as he began dressing swiftly and started walking towards the door.

Your heart ached as you watched him turn the door knob and your eyes widened when he stopped and turned back to look at you, muttering,

“If only you’d let me love you.”


 The door closed with a pitiful clunk and within seconds you were on your feet, yelling as you opened the door harshly,


You were pathetic looking as you stared down the tennis prodigy, hands clutching to the flimsy sheet. But as Ryoma slowly approached you and looked down at your shaking form, he couldn’t think of a prettier girl to call him by his name. Your arms snapped around his form and he nuzzled your hair before saying,

“Again…say my name again.”

“R-ryoma?” It would take you awhile to get used to, but you guys had all the time and beds in the world to practice.

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