Chapter 5

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I wake up on the couch, Danny is passed out still but Drew is gone. I smile as i slowly move my legs of his. Once i accomplish this I stand up and stretch, Danny falls to his side on the couch, and jerks awake. I just smile and act like i didn't see him, I put my arms up in the air to stretch my sides, then i bend down to touch my toes. Then i start walking into the kitchen, but was interrupted by Danny saying.

"Well good morning" I stop and turn.

"Good morning" I smile, He smiles back tiredly. I help him get off the couch, i drag him into the kitchen, to meet bacon, eggs, biscuit, and pancakes on the table. That seems to wake Danny up, he runs to his favorite chair, which happens to be right next to mine. We sit and fill our plates.

Around 9 minutes later.

"Woah i am stuffed" Danny says leaning back in his chair. I nod, Coral comes over to take our plates but i shake my head. We both take your plates to the sink and wash them. Once i almost finished cleaning my plate, Danny flicks me with water. I wipe my face, and spray him with the water sprayer.

"HEY!!!!" He says wiping his face. We both crack up.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask as we go back to the couch and turn on the news.

"Umm, well apparently to the weather, it is hot" He shrugged.

"Hmm... A lot of people would probably be at the beach" I pointed out.

"You got your own pool" He said looking outside. I shrug.

"I dont want to swim in my pool, so lets go to the neighborhood pool!!!" I squeal.

"Ya, ok" He said. We walk upstairs and he goes to go get one of my brothers swim trunks. I wait for him to come out, he comes out in a white and black pair. I nod, then walk into my room. I go through all my swim suits. I stop and pick up a black strapless bikini, with the back stringed. I pick it up and change into it. I grab my hot pink dress cover up, and my black sunglasses. I decided to go barefoot, i also decide to take down my wavy hair. I walk outside to see Danny on his phone. I wait for him to look up. He finally looks up.

"Ok, lets take my car" He says getting up. I nod.


Once we get there, we are the only ones there, so we claim seats in the shade. Danny takes off his shirt, to show his muscular body. I hide my blushing, i take off my cover up. And the time i turn around he does a cannon ball in the water, which splashes me. It was perfect, not hot, but not freezing. I smile, then put my foot in the water.

"Can u help me?" Danny asks swimming over to me. I nod. He holds out his hand i take it and start pulling him out, but he pulls me in.

"WAHHH!!!!!" I scream until i hit the water. I swim to the top, to see Danny laughing.

"I do that every time we come to the pool!!!" He laughs. I wrinkle my nose in a cute way. I swim over next to him.

"Ok, now i really need your help..." Danny continues "For a girl" Another girl??

"Ya" I say holding bac k my emotions the best i could.

"Well, there is this girl, that i want to ask to be my girlfriend..." He says rubbing the back of his neck. My heart sinks into my stomach.

"Who?" I ask, fake smiling. "Ok, never mind. But call her, tell her you love her"

"Uh.... ok....." He says climbing out of the pool. I climb out after him. He grabs his phone and dials her. My phone starts to ring, i pick it up and it says:

Private Number.

I shrug and answer it,

"I love you" I look up at Danny who is smiling. "Do you love me too?"

I smile "I LOVE YOU!!!" I squeal, i run and hug him, putting my phone on the table.

"Phew, good." Danny says. "Ok, well will you be my girlfriend Bacon?"

I am shocked at what he says, He used to call me Bacon when we were young.

"Did you call me.... Bacon??" I ask excitedly. He smiles and nods.

"I remember things" He says kissing my fore-head.

"Yes i will be your girlfriend." I smile. "But first, come here...." I say putting his back to the pool. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips, then pull away really fast, then push him in the pool. I smile. When he rises, i jump in over his head. When i rise i see him grinning.

"You got me!" He said. He swims under water and sits on the floor in the deepest part. I swim down to him and lay down on my stomach in front of him. He waves. I go back up for air, he has a big lung capacity, because he used to swim. He surfaces, then grabs my hand and pulls me back under. Once we touch the floor, he sits and i sit directly in front of him. He kisses me on the lips. Then pulls away and blushes. I smile, once it starts getting hard for me staying under water, i swim up to the top, followed by Danny. When he comes up,

"AW I SAW YOU GUYS KISS!!!" Kat says coming out from no where.

"Nicceee brroooo" Dallas says coming up behind her.

"Looks like we had the same idea" I said looking from Danny to Kat. Kat nods excitedly. She puts her stuff down, next to ours, then takes off her cover up. She walks over to feel the water, then gets picked up off the floor, then held over the water by Dally.

"DALLY!! PUT ME DOWN!!!" She shrieks. I watch her.

"Only if you say what you told me in the car" Dallas says, smiling.

"YOU SAID IT TO!!" She says squirming her legs.

"Oops" He says dipping her lower. I laugh, along with Danny.

"OK OK!!! I WILL SAY ITT!!!!!" She shrieks. Dallas waits. "I love you" She says quietly.

"What? I couldn't hear you...." Dallas says obviously lying.

"I said... I LOVE YOU DALLY!!!" She screams.

"I love you to baby" He says, dropping her in the water. When she surfaces she screams.

"DALLY!!!!!" Dally makes a sad face then jumps I'm beside her. They lock hands underwater, as Danny and i lock hands.

"So you guys are a thing?" Kat and I ask at the same time. We all nod, then laugh. I give Kat a high-five.

"Boyfriends!!!" We both squeal.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys!! Hope you liked this update!! :D Love you guys!!




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