Chapter 8

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I wake up without my mom this time. I swing my legs over the bed and walk to the closet. I pick out my light jeans, and a cropped tee, but not too cropped. I put on vans to match my shirt. I do my make-up and run downstairs, i grab a muffin my mom made, then get into my car. As i am about to pull out of the car i get a message.

Danny: Hey, meet me on the football field as soon as you can, thanks love ya.

I respond with Kk Love you too. I decide to just go with out my Starbucks. I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID NO TO STARBUCKS!!!!!!! I'm going crazy..... I pull into a parking spot next to the field and open the gate to the field. I see Danny in the middle of the field rubbing his hands. It looked like it was going to rai, i shrug off the thought and walk to him.

"Hey." He says.

"Excuse me?" I said confused.

"I said, Hey" He repeats.

"ARE YOU KIDDNG ME? I CAME STRAIGHT HERE WITHOUT MY STARBUCKS SO YOU COULD JUST SAY-" My lecture was interrupted by him pulling me into his arms and kissing me. We pull away to breath then continue. My hands automatically wrap around his neck. His hands move from my face to my hips. As we kiss it starts to sprinkle then pour. And w just keep kissing in the rain. I pull away from his warm muscular body, into the rain which makes me cold. I wrap my arms together to arm myself up, but that doesn't work that well. He picks me up the way you do a bride then runs to the walk-thru, that has brick walls and a brick ceiling. Thankfully i am wearing waterproof mascara. He puts me down, i lean up against the wall. Danny puts his arm on the wall and faces me. I smile at him. The sounds of our drenched clothes dripping on the floor eco's through the walk way. He puts his free hand on the other side off me, so he enclosed me. He leans down and pecks me on the lips.

"Why. Do. You. Wear. Makeup. You. Don't. Need. It?" He asks, after every word he gently kisses me.

"I don't know, thats like asking a guy with abs, why he wears a shirt" I say laughing.

"We do that to save our abs for our girlfriends" He shrugs, jokingly. I roll my eyes. He leaned down to kiss me, but we heard the first period bell. Danny cusses under his breath, and we run through the rain, across the field into first period. We were soaked. We walk in awkwardly, as everyone stares at us. Thankfully the teacher is talking to a student. I look at Samantha, and she gestures to my to fix my lipstick. I blush and use my phone as a mirror to fix my makeup. I yawn, then glare at Danny, he is smirking. I need a Starbucks. The day eventually drifts o lunch. Drag Danny to Starbucks with me. I get my usual and a muffin. Once we finish eating as we walk out Danny purposely hits me in the butt with the door. Without turning i smack him in the chest with my fist. He starts to laugh.

"Haha... SO funny . " I say sarcastically. The school day finishes fast, Danny meets me at my car.

"Lets go to my house we have it to ourselves." He tempts.

"Sorry, i got cheer" I say throwing my school bag in the car and grab my cheer.

"It was tempting though baby" I say kissing him on the cheek i walk to the gym, then look behind me to see him leaning against his car looking disappointed I frown and walk in, i see everyone but, yo u guessed it.


I walk to Kat and Sammy.

"If she comes in while i am changing, send her and coach to the track" I said madly.

"But its raining" Sam protests.

"Thats what she gets" I say walking into the locker room. I walk out and see coach but no Ava.

"Where is she?" I groan. Kat and Sam shrug.

"Ok, looks like strike two..... ALRIGHTY WARM UP" I say quietly, then yell to the team. As we finish warm ups, Ava runs into the gym. Everyone stops and stares at her. I cross my arms.

"AVA COME TO JOIN US?" I demand.

"Sorry its just i... ummm...." She stuttered.

"No excuses. If you want to stay on this team, you better get your act together, you have 2 strikes 3 your out, TRACK NOW" I demand. She pouts and runs outside in the rain to the track. I walk over to Coach.

"Coach, stay here, when Ava gets back, drill her 2 hours, i am giving the non slackers a break" I say. She nods.

"ALRIGHT BREAK, GO HOME" I cheer. They all leave i say thanks to coach and run outside to my car trying not to slip. As i walk in, i am not bombarded by my dogs. I whistle,


"MOMMA!!!!!!" I scream, she runs to me.

"Where are the dogs?" I ask. She swallows, i look closer at her, she was crying. Suddenly my throat gets tight.

"Mom" I choke out.

"Honey....." She starts to cry "They died...."

I scream on the top of my lungs, and cry. I scream and cry all the way to my bed. I cry into my pillow. I have had those dogs since i was 5. I cry, and dial up Danny.

"Puppies. Dead." I cry out to him over the phone.

"Be there in 2 minutes, baby its ok, its ok" He reassures.

I cry into my pillows. I hang up. 4 minutes later i hear someone burst through my door. I kept my head on my pillows. I feel, i'm guessing, Danny's hand rub my back.I sit up, and hug Danny. I cry into his shoulder.

"Its ok, don't cry" He chants, i slowly cry myself to sleep. I feel him laying me down. He kisses my cheek. I drift into deep deep sleep.

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