Chapter 9

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I sit up in my bed. I see Danny sleeping leaning up against the bed. I smile. Then i remember that Lucy and Lillie died. I sigh and carefully step over Danny. I head towards the door. I open it slowly, it screeches open. I look back at Danny, but he is gone. 

"Danny?" I walk back over to where he was, and look under the bed. I stand up unsatisfied. I feel one strong arm wrap around my waist, and the other across my mouth. The man takes me to the window and get this.... FLIES out!!! My leg dangle in the air. I scream in his hand.

"Shut-up" A deep voice says. I bite his hand, he flinches but keeps going. We fly over the forest, then fly over a big body of water. We are far far away from my home.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" I yell through his hand. It probably came out as gibberish. 

"Don't worry, we are the good guys" He said softly. I sigh and wait. We come across this island with a mountain on it. We start dropping at rapid speeds. Right as we were about to splat on the floorthe man pulls up and we land on our feet. He lets me go, so i spin around. I was wrong. It wasn't a man, he was around my age. Cute actually. no.... Hot. Then i noticed off his shoulders, suspended, around... 12 feet wide, wings. Yea.... wings, like white feathers, like a bird!

"Whats going on?" I ask. I see two more of them flying in carrying to squirming girls. When they got closer i noticed who they were.



"KAT SAM!!!!" I scream. They stop squirming when they land. The two guys holding them were, also, hot. Is every bird-guy here hot?? As i was about to ask the question again, a beautiful lady, wearing a white dress, trimmed in gold flew down, in front of us.

"Lets walk and talk lady's" She say gathering us in a group then walking with us. 

"You are probably wondering why you are here...." She continues. She stops in front of us and faces us. "You are here because we chose you."

"Chose us.?" Sammy asks confused. 

She nods and continues "We have been watching you-"

"Stalk much?" Kathryn says under her breath. I can't help but crack a smile. The lady glares at us.

"My name is Juliette" Juliette introduced. "And we are Seraph or Seraphim's"

"So Angels?" Kat ask. Sam and i give Kat a confused look "What? I pay attention in class"

"Sort of like Angels, but..... We fight, bad guys." Juliette says.

"LIKE NINJAS!" Sammy says excitedly. 

"Sure.... what ever makes you happy. So we chose 3 girls, who are smart, strong, and demanding." She says looking at all of us. We nod.

"So.... why are we here?" I asked.

"Because we are recruiting you guys. Have you guys ever heard of the Three Musketeers?" She asks. We all nod. "You will be like that, but with wings."

"Sweet. Will we have like cool costumes?" Kat asks. I slap my face with my hand and shake my head.

"More like outfits," She continues "Speaking of that.... wings. you guys need wings" She said turning around then walking.

"We never committed to this!" I point out. 

"I am in" Kat says.

"Me too" Sam says. I sigh and shrug.

"Fine, i am in" I say.

"Good. Lets go," Juliette says continuing forward. We walk into a cave, and come across a wall.

"Dead end" Kat says annoyed. Juliette puts her hand on a certain stone, and the wall moves, and we enter a huge bright room.We follow her into another room, with sets of wings every where, of different colors, different sizes, and different shapes. 

"Ok, we must take the test." Juliette says walking into another room, with this dentist chair, and a little cup and liquid in it. As we walking into the room, on the wall of the back room, i saw a glass case, with pure white wings, with golden edges. Juliette saw me eying it,

"Those are the Golden Wings, only people who deserve the wings get them". I nod. "Who wants to go first?" 

"Kat will" Sam and i said at the same time. Kat cusses under her breath and walks over to the chair. We had to go wait in the wing room. around 10 minutes later she comes walking out, 

"You can pick from that wall over there" She says pointing to the far wall, it had blues and pink wings. She directly wen to the Hot Pink wings, then someone else came in and took the wings down, then took her somewhere. 

"Sams turn" I said. Sammy walks over to the chair, so i continue looking at the wings. excatly 10 minutes later she comes out and is showed to the Green and Orange wings. She picks out Green. I turn towards Juliette.

My turn




Hey guys, sorry this update was so short! Love ya!




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