Chapter 16

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I wake up and walk over to Danny queitly. I take the Ottomen and spin it around as fast as i can. He jolts awake then starts laughing.

"Ready for school?" He asks resting his head on his hands. I shrug then walk into the closet. Danny meets me in the and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

"What should i wear?" I ask.

"Umm these and these" He said jokingly pointing to purple pants my mom gave to me as a joke, and a red shirt.

"Haha... Funny." I roll my eyes.

"Wear these jeans and ahhh this shirt" He said. He pointed out light skinny jeans and a camo shirt.

"Or you can wear your superman shirt, and i will wear mine" I said.

"Ya ok" He said. I pulled out my superman shirt, yep its just a regular shirt. He walks into the guest room and changes. Then walks back.

"What you live here now?" I ask laughing.

"Well my parents are outta town for 2 weeks and my mom didn't trust me at home soo ya" He said smiling.

"So she trusts you here?" I ask. I feel something furry brush up against my shin. I look down and see GInger looking up at me. I pick her up and pet her.

"Okay Ginger i wil be at school but i will be back ok" I say in a baby voice.

"Woah. I just saw the nice side of Olivia" Danny laughs. I roll my eyes and put her down. We all walk downstairs.

"Coral!!! Take care of GInger" I said once she walked over. I picked up Ginger and handed her to her.

"Yes Ma'am" She smiles. I take Danny to school in my car. We drive through starbucks, and get 2 of the original. I hand one to him. He looks at it strangly.

"Your supposed to sip through the straw" I saw like i'm talking to a baby. He laughs and drinks it in two sips.

"That was actually good" He says "But don't tell anybody i said that OR i went to starbucks"

"Ya okaaayyyyy" I say we drive to school. And walk into first period.

____30 Years later____

Daneil proposed to Olivia at age 18. They married and had one kid who is now 16. His name is Blaine. Samantha ended up marrying Josh and had one kid, Alyssa, Kathryn married Dallas, and had Zach. Who are all 16.

Blaine's (POV)

"Mooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm" I scream downstairs. I wait for a reply.


"WHAT?" I hear my mom reply.

"IS MY BACKPACK DOWNSTAIRS?!" I scream looking around.

"Come down here please" Mom says. I walk to the bottom of the stairs and see my mom with a apron on.

"Is my backback down here?" I ask looking around again.

"Honey, its on your back" She shakes her head.

"Really?" I ask, and look back. Sure enough.

"Are you almost done? Alyssa and Zach will be here soon" She says. I look down at what i am wearing. Jeans and a my football jersey. I nod. She fixes my brown hair. I groan just as the door bell rings. I run past my mom and to the door. Expecting to see Alyssa and Zach i see Uncle Drew and Aunt Ava.

"Hey sport" Uncle Drew says.

"Hey Drew" I say.

"And Hi Aunt Ava" I smile.

"I got something for you" Aunt Ava said.

"Yea?" I ask. She pulls out a football.

"Oh gosh thanks Aunt Ava!" I say excitedly. I take it and spin it.

"Your welcome. You look so much like your dad!" She laughs.

"I get that alot" I say rolling my blue grey eyes. I see Zach and Alyssa walk up behind them.

"Gotta go" I say running through them.

"To the bus!" I say taking Alyssa's hand. We walk to the bus stop and wait for it. The bus pulls to a stop. I we walk to our favorite seat, 5 rows back on the left. Alyssa sits on the window, i sit in the middle, and Zach sits on the edge.

"So last day of 10th grade what are we gonna do for summer?" I ask thinking out loud. I drape my arm around Alyssa's shoulder and hold her hand with the other. I see her blushing and peck her on the cheek. Which makes her blush more. I laugh and she giggles.

"Hey Alyssa Hey Blaine!!!!" i hear a high pitched voice shriek. I know instantly its Alyssa's friend Jordan.

"Well hi to you too" I hear Zach mumble. I elbow his side. He always had a crush on Jordan since Alyssa introduced us.

"Hey Jordan" Alyssa and i say at the same time. The bus finally pulls to a stop i stand up quickly and start pushing past everyone but i feel a hand grip my arm and pull me back.

"Slow down Blaine" Alyssa laughs. I nod and hold hands with her. i just wanted to get away from Jordan blabbing on and on about her cheer competition. I walk Alyssa to her home room and kiss her goodbye but i was stopped.

"What do you think your doing?" I hear i turn toward the noise. I see a freshman hall patrol person.

"Its called a girlfriend you should try it some time" I growl.

"No PDA in school" He snorts.

"Get a life dork" I snap. He clenches his fist and walks off.

"Was that really necessary?!" Alyssa says crossing her arms.

"Well-" I sigh.

"Well???" Alyssa says tapping her foot. I frown and she smiles.

"What?" I ask leaning against the wall.

"Your cute when your sad" she taps my nose and wrinkles hers. I smirk.

"I better get to class" She says peeking into the class room.

"Ok" I say purposely frowning.

"Ohhhh suck it up" She laughs. I wrinkle my nose and my forehead and tap my cheek. She leans in to kiss my cheek but kisses my ear. I shiver as she walks into first period.

"Come on love bird lets go" Zach says dragging me to first period from my collar.

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