Character Appearances and Descriptions

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Readers, I'd advise that you keep this chapter in another tab as you read the next chapters, so that you're not confused on who's who and what everyone looks like! Also, some characters look like the same ones from the Phyrria Games, cause I was lazy XD, and keep in mind that everyone is a sophomore (second year). 

Let's begin with the main characters!


Main Characters

First Name: Starflight

Personality: Shy, intelligent, sarcastic, witty, quiet

Likes: Reading, silence, sometimes annoying Tsunami, clean and neat stuff in general, hot chocolate

Dislikes: Mac n' cheese, loud people, dancing, bright light

Possible Relationships: Sunny, Fatespeaker


Other Information: HE IS NOT THE TEACHER'S PET

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Other Information: HE IS NOT THE TEACHER'S PET. 


First Name: Tsunami

Personality: Outgoing, loud, daring, protective, easy-to-anger

Likes: Picking fights with almost anyone, teasing her younger sisters Anemone and Auklet, vlogging, eating mac n' cheese, swimming

Dislikes: Starflight's long lectures, homework assignments, awkward silence, tall buildings

Possible Relationships: Riptide, Peril, Glory


Other Information: none

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Other Information: none


First Name: Winter

Personality: Regal, polite, chill(NO PUN INTENDED), protective, kind

Likes: Taking care of his puppy, hanging out with his friends, arguing with his siblings Hailstorm and Icicle, sports

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