The Climax

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A/N: A round of applause to abi_bumblebee for the idea of an event in this chapter. Once again, thank you for your input!

- Moonwatcher's POV -

Gazing out the window was something I quite enjoyed doing, especially when the weather was stormy. For some bizarre reason, the furious thunder claps and blindingly white-yellow lightning put me to a tranquil peace at mind. 

I let my gaze wander over to our original hotel, the one we were supposed to stay in the entire vacation, but because of the dangers we currently faced, Clearsight decided it be best for us to book another place somewhat far away from where we used to stay.

Two feet away from me, Turtle was struggling to write. Too often would he press the 'delete' button on the keyboard and hold it until almost half the page became blank again. A blank, faraway look settled in his pupils. Unfortunately, everyone knew why he was this way. It was evident the moment he began toying with one of Kinkajou's colorful necklaces.

"Alright," I heard Winter mumble. "We should be leaving for home this afternoon. I think it would be best for us to bring everything with us. At this rate if we throw anything in the trash or whatever, a spy will drop in the next day and use it as evidence."

"Right," I agreed. Suddenly my phone―along with everyone else's―buzzed. We opened up to the group chat, silently taking in the shocking information.

Glory: Guys, some of our neighbors are missing

Clay: what?

Starflight: Everyone should be staying in their basements or some hidden place that's hopefully underground 

Sunny: according to the news, more and more police officers are going missing too

Peril: this place has become a living hell

Peril: literally, b/c multiple events are happening over the country


Tsunami: she was there an HOUR AGO I SWEAR

Sunny: oh no!

Fatespeaker: i predict Darkstalker's using all these missing people to manipulate them or something

I sent a text.

Moonwatcher: We'll be back home tonight. Keep us updated!

Flying back home, my phone buzzed again. I turned it on, only to gasp at the text message's username.

Darkstalker: let's meet @ the mall tonight @ 9 PM sharp

Moonwatcher: how did you get my email?

Darkstalker: u gave it to me

Moonwatcher: I never did

Darkstalker: you may have indirectly

Moonwatcher: how?

Moonwatcher: what do you want?

Darkstalker: I may or may not have Kinkajou w/ me

Moonwatcher: what do you want w/ her?

Darkstalker: chill, I didn't do anything to her

Moonwatcher: give her back to an actual hospital

Moonwatcher: and what's with shapeshifter and all that

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