4.6K 79 304

CONGRATS! We ranked #1 in the tag wingsoffire. I know, first freaking place out of 731 stories! I couldn't be happier. *does weird dance*

Anyway, this couldn't have happened without all you readers. So I can't thank you enough for clicking that 'read' button on this book and sticking with me all these ... uh, let me count ... thirteen chapters, and commenting/voting. Remember that every time you click the little star, or post a silly remark, somebody somewhere else, looking over another screen, is smiling. 

And get this! We also got places in other tags, like:

#1 in wof, out of 475 stories

#1 in sunnyflight, out of 13 stories

#2 in moonbli, out of 38 stories

#2 in starspeaker, out of 24 stories

#3 in ripnami, out of 29 stories

#3 in cleril, out of 24 stories

#5 in glorybringer, out of 54 stories

#8 in modernworld, out of 106 stories

#47 in modernau, out of 606 stories

#57 in winterwatcher, out of 60 stories

#93 in highschoolau, out of 918 stories

#118 in shipping, out of 2.5K stories

#308 in alternateuniverse, out of 3.2K stories

#358 in au, out of 4K stories


#372 in ships, out of 6.8K stories


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