What's up, Popsicle Breath?

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A/N: In this chapter, our lovely characters are going to be singing songs. I just want to say that the songs and lyrics belong to Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, and ... whoever wrote the ABC song. 😂

- Winter's POV -

"Arg, wake up Winter!" my annoying older sister Icicle snapped as she pulled the blankets over my head. "Mom says you have less than five minutes to get ready before the bus arrives. Not a very nice way to start your first day of school." She smirked, then sashayed out my room.

I glared at where she just left for a couple seconds. It's not MY fault I slept through the alarm. Groaning, I stumbled out of bed and got dressed with a yawn, brushing my teeth and washing my face all at the same time. There wasn't nearly enough time to eat breakfast, so I just grabbed my backpack and ran out the front door.

Right when I exited my front house, I felt like there was something I needed to do, but I didn't know what it was. Then, it hit me. 

I had to give my dog a goodbye pet. It was a required law.

Slamming the door open, I watched Heath run up to me and jump up happily, then get down to all fours again. Stroking the hyper canine's back, I waved to Heath before closing the door again and locking it shut.

Then, I made a beeline for the bus stop. The driver, having just closed the doors, gave me a death glare as she opened them again, allowing me to hop on. She took off at full speed, one second after that.

The amused black eyes of my friend Qibli flashed when he watched me stumble into a seat across from him.

"What's up, popsicle breath?"

"W-what?" I stuttered, narrowing my eyes.

"I said, 'What's up, popsicle breath?'," he answered. "Now answer my question."

"Why 'popsicle breath?'" I demanded. 

"Would you like me to call you 'Elsa'?" Qibli smiled innocently. Seeing the look on my face, he continued. "Nope, not at all. Now, answer my question."

"Well, as you noticed, I was late today." I began. "And my mom forced my sister to wake me up, so that's not a very good way to start your day."


"Music class." I groaned, looking at my schedule. "Worst class ever, and I have it first period."

"Oh, come on!" Qibli persuaded. "It won't be that bad, and I want you to meet a special friend of mine."

"Special, you say?" I asked. "Special?"

My shorter blond-haired friend smacked me in the face. "Be quiet, Winter." he growled, face growing read.

Right when I set foot in the music room, my eyes literally met someone else's.

Those eyes belonged to a girl sitting in a chair a couple feet away from me. She had a small figure, with the cutest sparkling jade green eyes that seemed to be both calculating things and dreaming at the same time, and silky long raven hair neatly head back by a silver headband. An open book sat in her tiny hands. It was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, one of my favorite novels of all time.

"Oh, hey Moon," Qibli said to the girl. "I was just about to introduce Winter to you."

I waved, pinching my arm to keep from blushing. "It's nice to meet you."

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