Ending Thoughts

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Welp guys, I guess this is the end of my Wings of Fire fanfiction 'Welcome to Pyrrhia High.' I started it on 12/05/2017, and wrote its last sentence on 6/21/2019. This is the first time I officially finished an entire book, and I'm super ectastic about that. Ironically, today is also the last day of middle school for me. 

(That means I'll be starting high school this upcoming autumn. Any advice?)

I really couldn't have done this fanfic from start to finish without you readers, whether it be giving helpful tips, sharing plot ideas with me, posting hilarious comments, or just simply clicking the 'vote' button. Your writer is forever grateful to everything you guys contributed to my work!

Some of you may be wondering if there will be an upcoming sequel, and I apologetically say that no, I won't be doing a sequel as I probably won't be able to maintain a perfect schedule. To my readers who have been with me ever since the first chapter was published, you may have noticed that even as an eighth grader my updating was quite slow.

However, this does not limit YOU READERS from making a sequel, and let me say right now that I'll be super thrilled to see people write sequels based on my fanfic alone. So if you do write a sequel, share it with me in the comments when it's published, and I'll check it out first thing!

That reaches my conclusion. Once again, a huge thank you to each and every one of my readers. Hopefully I'll see you again in any of my future works!

Welcome to Pyrrhia HighWhere stories live. Discover now