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A/N: Now I'm going to start straying from the sequence of the four main characters' point of views. They won't always come in order now, and I'll be adding the perspectives of some supporting characters, like in this chapter. Let's give it up for Turtle to narrate his tale!

- Turtle's POV -

Most people wake up in the morning using alarm clocks, or having a parent come in to yell at them. Sometimes they even sleep with their pets the night before, because everyone knows that dogs and cats are both early and loud risers. However, those are all the normal ways of waking up.

I woke up listening to my twin brother's sleep-talking. Or rather, sleep-screaming. 

"AAAAHHH!" Riptide sobbed. "No, don't leave me Tsunami, I love you. You're not gonna choose THIS loser over ME, are you? ARE YOU?!"

His room was all the way down the hall, but it sounded as if that white-and-purple-haired doofus was in a bed next to me. I shuddered at that thought. However, that wasn't the worst part yet.

No one - I repeat - no one wakes me up at 4:30 in the morning. Unless it's myself going downstairs to steal a bowl of milk and cereal, of course. But if other people disturb my peaceful slumber, then they are totally bound for punishment.

Wait, what am I saying? I don't even have an idea for what the punishment will be! I mean, I'm not strong enough to beat Riptide in a fist fight - although the last one we had was in fourth grade, and I can't exactly scare him with yelling threats either because I'm a quiet, whispery wimp.

Mumbling nonsense words, I buried my head under my fluffy pillows and fell asleep again, just like before. I'll deal with the messy brown mop I call a bedhead at the time I'm supposed to wake up.

But I couldn't fall asleep, so I grabbed my phone and went to our group chat, where I texted and Kinkajou responded almost immediately.

Me: anyone awake???

Kinkajou: Hi.

Just a simple 'hi'. That's weird; everyone can expect her to say stuff like, "YO WASSUP I LOVE MANGOES" or "Well, HEY THERE my beloved awesome friend to great for the entire world!". Each text bubble Kinkajou sends has got to have at least five words.

Me: so, how's it going?

Kinkajou: ...

Me: What's wrong?

Kinkajou: What are you doing at this time in the morning?

Me: Annoying brother woke me up

Me: Is everything okay?

Kinkajou: no. Not really. 

Kinkajou: i had the worst night evr

Me: What happened? R U OK?

Kinkajou: Can I tell you @ school?

Me: sure

Kinkajou: bye

Me: bai

That was the shortest chat I ever had with the spunkiest, happiest, sweetest, most adorable girl in my school. Well, according to my opinion, at least. Now I wasn't sleepy at all. Breath quickening, my mind raced with horrific scenarios, maybe a bit on the crazy side but still possible.

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