Chapter 5.

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After my speech about my old life, i answer a few more questions, which arnt really important. after 15 minutes, mr right comes back, with another teacher, who is infact a girl.

she has black hair, and brown eyes. she looks exactly like me, but her nose is slightly bigger, and she is 1 inch taller then me. He figure, is about the same as mine too. weird. she and mr right, walk up to me and alexis. I let go of alexis, and look at the female teacher. while im doing this, all of the other people in the room, are looking t us confused, and saying things like:

"They look like twins."

"They look related."

"What the fuck is happening?"

She looks at me and she looks equally confused as me. what the fuck is happening? who is she? are we related? i am now right infront of her, just looking at her with a confused look on my face.

"Who are you?" She asks me. "Who are you? And, why do i look like you so much?" I reply with a question. she ignores me so i ask "How old are you?" "17, you?" "same. whens your birthday?" i ask. "january 29th, you?" "What the fuck. How are you real?" I say getting frustrated. "Who and why are you here?" I say with a tad bit of anger in my voice. "My name is Rose Heart." She replies with a tiny bit of anger in her voice too.

I stumble back a little, and look at her like she is an alien. "WHAT? No, your not. Why are you pretending to be in my family?" i shout at her, while walking up to her and getting in her face. She steps back and shouts, "IM NOT!"

I go in my pocket, and immediately call my mum. She picks up on the second time. "What is it sweetie?" she says calmly. "GET TO MY SCHOOL RIGHT NOW. ITS AN EMERGENCY!" I yell and then hang up. i walk up to this rose girl, and look at her. everyone else is just staring at me and her, confused and scared at my expression and how angry i am.

10 minutes go by and i get a text. saying, "Where are you im at your school." i reply with the gym.

5 minutes, she bursts through the door, wearing a white blouse, tucked into a grey knee lengh skirt, and a grey blazer. her hair is in a high pony tail. I'm guessing she just got back from work or is about to start, because they are her work clothes.

"What is it izzy?" She shouts to me frantically, while running to me. Once she sees my face and angry expression, she looks confused and anxious. when she reaches me, she grabs my shoulders and asks again, "Whats wrong sweetheart?" I look at her with a blank look.

after 1 minute of staying quiet, I point to the rose girl, and say one thing that changes my life. "Who is that? WHY DO WE LOOK IDENTICAL? WHY DO WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY? AND WHY IS SHE SAYING HER LAST NAME IS HEART?" I scream at her! i know you must be thinking that i am a monster for screaming at my own mother, but if something like this happened to you, what would you do?

She slowly looks at the rose girl and gasps. "I-I..Im so sorry baby." she says to me, while her eyes plead at me to be civil and calm. "Who is she?" I say calmly, yet you can tell im being serious.

"Isabella, meet your twin sister, Rose heart." she says. My eyes change from confused, betrayed, angry, sad, worried, anxious, and finally finishing with furious and betrayed. "What?! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT I HAVE A TWIN SISTER, WHO IS IDENTICAL TO ME? WHERE HAS SHE BEEN ALL OF MY LIFE? WHY DIDNT I HAVE HER WHEN I NEEDED HER THE PAST 2 YEARS?" I shouted, with tears streaming down my face, and my hands circled into fists so hard that it has gone white.

"I'm so so so so sorry sweetheart..." I interrupt her, "DONT SWEETHEART ME. HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME FOR ALL OF MY LIFE? YOU KNEW THAT I NEEDED SOMEONE WHO WOULD UNDERSTAND ME, AND SHE WOULD HAVE NEW PERFECTLY. I NEEDED HER WHEN KATIE DIED, WHEN I WAS BULLIED, WHEN I WAS BETRAYED, WHEN I NEARLY DIED, AND WHEN I WANTED TO COMMIT SUICIDE! Did you seriously not care that much that you thought i didn't deserve to know about ym own twin sister?"

by the end of my rant, I had fell to my knees, crying and mumbling to myself. its all starting again. no! no! I cant handle it anymore. The bell for first period rings, and everyone stays still, because we have a double period. its so quiet, all you can hear is my sobbing and mumbling things which are incoherant and unaudible.

after 10 minutes of me crying, I stand up, and grab my phone. I immediately call max, and he picks up straight away.

"What the fuck izzy?! I'm in class. you cant just phone me like this..." he stops talking whe he hears me crying softly. "Why are you crying izzy? where are you, i will come to you." he says urgently, while properly packing his stuff, because I can hear shuffling. "Gym. Please come quick. i need you" i say, my voice cracking at the end. I hang up the phone, and wait for him to get here.

no longer then 5 minutes go by, with me getting hugged by alexis, max comes running into the gym, with a worried face. he looks around urgently, when he sees me, he comes running to me, and quickly hugs me. "Whats wrong bella?" he whispers soflty, so only I can hear, but it doesnt work becasue it is so quiet.

i get out of his embrace, wipe my tears, and walk over to rose. i grab her hand softly, and bring her to max. "Max, meet our twin sister, Rose. Rose, meet your two twins me and max." He looks at me confused, then at mum, then at rose, then at me again. he quickly pulls me and rose into a group hug, and starts to cry silently.

1069 words.

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