Chapter 12.

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After Rose texted her adopted parents, that she was okay, and staying at a friends for a few hours, we started to all talk and learnt so much about Rose, and her about all of us.

We started with small introductions of the things we like, dislike, hobbies, and general information.


Dad - "I'm your father. I own 'Heart' company, with your mother. My favourite colour is green. My favourite food is Pizza. I am 42. My birthday, is February 14th. You are all my life, and i am proud of you all, especially you, Rose."

Mam - "I'm your mother. My favourite colour is yellow. My favourite food, is chicken salad and lasagne. I am 40. My birthday, is October 23rd. I am so proud of you Rose, and i am SO happy that we have found you again. I missed you sweetheart."

Jay - "I'm your little brother. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite food is burgers and pizza. I am 15. My birthday, is September 19th. I am really happy that i have another sister. I like to put pranks around the house, so you will have to be careful. aha."

Max - "I'm one of your triplets. Obviously, i am 17. I am over protective as Izzy says, but i only do it because i care. My favourite colour is red. I don't have a favourite food, i eat anything, except cabbage. I am not a player. My birthday is the same as yours and Izzy's, 29th January. I play, football, soccer, and short distance. Oh, and i'm undefeated in most of the games on XBOX and Play station. I have many cars, but not as many as Izzy."

Me - "I'm one of your triplets. Again, im 17, born on 29th January. My favourite colour is black, and lilac. My favourite food, is chicken, but i eat anything, except tomatoes and mushrooms. OH, and i hate spicy or hot food. I have anger issues. I have a rough past, which I will explain a different day. I didn't smile, laugh or talk much before you got here. so, thanks. Oh, and i don't apologise or say "thanks" a lot so... My hobbies, are Writing, Reading, Art. I play drums, guitar, piano, and i can sing, but I haven't sang for about 2 years. Oh, and my favourite sport, which in my opinion i am very good at, is basketball."

Rose - "I'm rose. I'm 17, born on 29th January, but you all know that. I don't have a boyfriend because i had no time. My favourite colour is pink and purple. My favourite food, is anything hot and spicy. My hobbies, are reading and cooking. I am very talented in swimming, but I cant do it often because of my job. I am a straight A student. I have about 5 close friends. I can sing too, and i do it frequently. Yeh, that's about it."


We spent the last 2 hours getting to know each other. We help Rose set up her IPhone, and MacBook.

Me, Rose, and mam are now on our way to Roses adopted parents house, to asks if Rose can move in with us. We are prepared to compromise.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

The door opens to reveal an old looking couple, around the age of 50-60. They both have blonde hair, with green eyes. Anyone with eyes can tell that Rose is adopted when they see her adopted parents.

They are wearing old, worn out clothes, which in my opinion need replaced. Maybe, we could pay them a certain amount of money, and let them see Rose, if she is allowed to live with us. That might just work.

Once, they see me next to Rose, they both look shocked and confused. I take this as my opportunity to talk, because I can tell that my mam is uncomfortable in a situation like this.

"Hello, Sir, ma'am. May we come inside?" I ask politely. I'm answered with he door being opened fully. I slowly walk inside, followed by Rose and my mam. Once inside, Roses adopted parents show us into the main room, where the couches and the television is.

"My name is Isabella Heart. This is my mother Elizabeth Heart, and as you could properly tell, Rose is my sister." I say, pointing to myself and my mam. I offer my hand to be shaked, and they do "Hello, my name is Hailee, and this is my husband, Stewart. What do we ow the pleasure of meeting?" The women asks.

"Me and my mother are here today, to see if we can make an agreement. As we have just met Rose, we would like to get to know her more, and try and be a family. We were wondering if she could move in with my family. Before you say anything, i want you to know that me and my family are very wealthy, and can treat Rose the way she deserves. We are also saying that Rose can still stay over here, and see you both as you have brought her up as your daughter. We are also willing to pay a certain amount of money either weekly or monthly, so that you can pay the rent, and have spare money for when you need it. Consider this a thank you for taking such good care of my sister."

Once I was finished, my mam was looking at me with pride, because i had just talked at a sophisticated level, in which is needed if i am going to take over the company for my mam and dad.

"May, we go into a different room, with Rose and talk please?", Roses adopted father, Stewart, asked. I nodded in agreement. "I am so proud of you honey. You just handled that situation with so much authority and you talked like a real business women." I looked and my mam, and pulled her into a hug. She is very emotional when one of her children act like this.

We talk for a few minutes, about nothing in particular, until Rose, and her adopted parents enter the room. They sit down, and Rose says, "We have all talked and im allowed to move in with you all, but I am to visit here twice a week, if i am not busy with school or anything else important." I squeal in happiness, and hug Rose.

Once, I realise what i just did, I sit down while blushing. Everyone laughs at this, and then i join them.

1100 words.

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