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What does she mean, this was Crystal's plan? I seriously don't understand. I need to Confront her because what kind of friend does this? It's bullshit.

I decided to walk to Crystal's house. I can tell when people are lying and if she is lying, then I'm going to disown her as a friend, as a regular human being on this earth, she will be nothing to me.

Knock knock

"Oh hey trouble. How's it going?" Mr. Trainer looks down at me as he opens the door.

"Good thank you, is Crystal home yet?"

"Yes, she's in her bedroom. Come in." He let's me through as I walk up the staircase.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Crystal yells out as I open the door.

"Just me" I walk in and sit at her desk chair.

"I'm guessing you went over and apologized to Abigail?" She looks at me as she paints her nails. Rose pink, my favorite colour.

"Yeah I did. But she said some things that have had me thinking" I look at her in her eyes.

"Ugh like what? Is it bad?" She stops painting her nails and sits near me.

I move a little over away the other side.

"Mhm it is bad. I need to question you about it too"

"Go ahead because from my understandings I haven't done anything wrong.. but okay" She looks at me confused, I can tell she isn't lying about not doing anything wrong.

"Was it your plan to do this?" I continue to ask the question.

"To do what Angelique?" She scrunched her face like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Get Kian and I to fight so we don't get together?" I face her so she knows in serious.

"No, of course not Angelique. I know how much you like him. I wouldn't ruin that for you"

"Then why would Angelique say that?" I ask with a questioning face expression.

"Oh... shit.." She looks down at her feet.


"That's my fault in a way. But Abigail had no right to do what she did too you and Kian." She has guilt on her face.

"What do you mean by that?"

"So it's partially my fault but not at the same time. I explained to Abigail on how I was scared to feel left out if you and Kian date. That's all I told her."

"Then why would she do this to him and I?"

"I have no idea but all we know now is that we can't trust her" Crystal looks furious.

"That sneaky bitch."

| What will Crystal and Angelique do?
I hope this book isn't boring anyone. Feel free to message me ideas if you want me to use them or comment. |

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