| CHAPTER SIXTEEN | I'm trying

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I wake up to a knock at my door. I lazily get up with my blanket around me, walking to my door slowly and slightly opening it.

"We need to talk" My mum says popping her head through.

"Whatever, come in" I walk back to my bed and lay down with my face in my pillow.

"I need to know what happened yesterday" My mum sits beside me.

"Why do you want to know now? You didn't yesterday" I scrunch my face up.

"I was filled with anger. I didn't need you getting suspended for bashing a girl" My mum sighs.

"Well if you want to know, I like Kian and he likes me too. Actually I don't know if he still likes me after yesterday." I sit up against my bed to face my mum "Abigail was flirting with him and then she tried kissing him".

"Did he pull away?" My mum looks concerned.

"Yes mum but that's not the point here"

"Then what is the point Angelique?" She looks at me in suspicion

"She knew I liked him mum and she only started this ever since she knew"

"Oh hunny" She hugs me "You don't need to worry about her, she isn't anyone to be worried about." She let's go of the hug and places her hand on my shoulder.

"You know he wants you if he pulled away from that kiss. Make that count to where he doesn't want any other girl" She stands up to walk out of my room.

"Hey.. mum?"

She turns around. "Yes sweetness?"

"Thank you" I smile

"You're welcome" She closes my door as she walks out.

- -

I've been laying in bed for an hour on Netflix, watching a movie but I can't seem to focus on anything, only the thoughts of Kian in my head.

Looking back at him and seeing a tear go down his cheek hurt me yesterday. I wish I controlled my actions on what I did to Abigail, I should have just ignored her.

My mum is right. If he pulled away from her trying to kiss him then of course he doesn't want anyone else but me. I'm just a jealous person though.

10 minutes later

~~~~~ Kian Warner ~~~~~

Angelique Foster
Ugh hey...😕 I know I should be apologizing to Abigail first but I mostly need to apologize to you first because what I did was wrong. I should have taken the actions on how they were, I should have just ignored Abigail and what she was doing but I couldn't and I hope you understand that. I haven't been in the best of moods lately, only when I'm around you and seeing another girl trying to start stuff with you fired me up. I hope you'll forgive me soon.💔
Sent 10:20am

I really didn't know what to say but I had to send this message. Kian is the one person who makes me happy and ever since I haven't heard from him, I've been miserable.


Ding ding

A message wakes me up. I roll over to grab my phone off the charger to see who wanted to ruin my sleep.

Angelique. What does she want?

~~~~~ Angelique Foster ~~~~~

Angelique Foster
Ugh hey...😕 I know I should be apologizing to Abigail first but I mostly need to apologize to you first because what I did was wrong. I should have taken the actions on how they were, I should have just ignore Abigail and what she was doing but I couldn't Kian and I hope you understand that. I haven't been in the best of moods lately, only when I'm around you and seeing another girl trying to start stuff with you fired me up. I hope you'll forgive me soon.💔
Recieved 10:20am

She couldn't ignore her? Okay. Yeah I understand she has been going through shit but that doesn't give her a right to bash Abigail. If I seen a guy do that to her then maybe I'll act up a little but I wouldn't bash them.

I'm just going to leave her on read, I'm seriously not in the mood to speak with Angelique about any of this. She does need to apologize to Abigail but Abigail needs to apologize to Angelique as well.


I can't believe he just left me on read. For fuck sakes I know I messed up but why can't he just forgive me and move on. This boy is so complicated.

I've decided to message Crystal and Abigail. I have the messages ready to send but I don't know when I'll send them, especially to Abigail because she was in the wrong as well.

I just wish I could restart that day.

2 hours later of doing stuff all

I've been in my thoughts and I've decided to message Crystal first. That way if she knows the full story then afterwards I can message Abigail apologizing to see what she will do or react.

~~~~~ Crystal Trainer ~~~~~

Angelique Foster
Hey Crystal, I just want to say an apology to you. I don't know what I'll be sorry for with you but I just want to explain the full story on what happened yesterday.
Sent 12:30pm

Crystal Trainer
Okay? Spill. Because what I seen it looked like you was in the wrong.
Recieved 12:40pm

Angelique Foster
Yeah, that's what you seen Crystal.
Abigail winked and nudged Kian, she wanted him to walk her to class when we could have walked with one another. She's in the same home class as us for crying out loud but she wanted him all to herself.
When you were on the phone to your mother I started walking to class and I seen her try and kiss Kian, that made me heart broken. We were yelling back to back and she said things that pissed me off so I started hitting her. I know it was stupid okay and I am sorry. After this message I'm going to apologize to Abigail but I wanted you to know first.
Sent 12:47pm

Crystal Trainer
I'm sorry I didn't notice any of that and I'm glad you have understood this. Well make sure you do apologize to her but it would be more meaningful in person. Her address is 18 Oxford Street.
Recieved 12:52pm

Angelique Foster
I might do it tomorrow.. I'll ask for her permission to go there.
Sent 12:54pm

Crystal Trainer
No do it now
Recieved 12:59pm

- -

Well how the hell am I suppose to do this? Rock up to her house and if her parents answer "Hey I'm the girl who bashed your daughter". The fuck.

| Hey guys. I'm sorry if it took a while to publish this chapter. I just didn't know what took write but I promise the next cheater will be much better 💕 |

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