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'You know what Morty , I'm going home!! maybe I don't need you maybe you were right about the whole stupid independent thing!!' I cry as I make my way to the door.

'What are you incompetent?' He says forcefully grabbing my shoulder. He spins me round making me face him. I look into his eyes to see a softer color. He smiles making his somber features less threatening. There was something a little off about it.

'Y/n I noticed the way you've been looking at me' He leans closer.'Those eyes that want me...I've seen it many times and I'll safely say...I was watching you too...'He embraces me. My arms wrap around him as well.His hands stroke my lower back until they reach my ass.

' M-morty?' He face was buried in my neck but I hear him mumble quietly.'It must be so...'

Without warning, I push him away. A few months ago as his grandpa Rick was too drunk to clear up after himself I helped my self through his garage and found an amazing looking Laser gauntlet that looked untouched. I kept it with me ever since and took it every where.

I fire at Morty's chest. He looks at me in shock and drops to his knees clutching the wound. Blood trickles down creating a puddle of blood on the floor.

'You're not Morty....y-your're some robot wannabe human narcissistic terrorist Nazi person!!!' I tremble with the Laser gauntlet shaking in my sweaty grasp.' You..... say.....that only because I wear an eye patch...pathetic....' He weakly smirks as he drops to the floor as blood splats all over the walls and on me. I clutter to the floor landing on my butt. I look at my hands and the body.

Was that really a Morty? Did I really kill my boyfriend?

I sprint for my life,taking my gun with me. I felt really bad that I had done such a terrible deed due to things I thought 'would be true'. Once again I had come to appreciate how fickle the world could be at times. I was walking with a tired face and my back shamefully turned away from the Smiths' residence. What if I was just over reacting over nothing. The what if failed to leave me.

You say that only because I wear an eye patch....PATHETIC

With those words I failed to sleep. The bloody wound,the words were slowly eating into me. I heard nothing from him for the past two weeks.

Should I really of shot him?

I AM GOD (Evil morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now