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She hisses hooking the trigger like the previous Morty. 'What's the point of going on if I'm j-just a pawn!!!' She presses the gun to her head hesitantly. Evil Morty shakes his head. 'I RATHER DIE THEN SPEND ANOTHER MINUTE WITH YOU!!!!'

'Who do you think this was all for?Who do you think I wanted to keep alive with the Gagoo vile? Do you think I was only planning this on my own behalf?...I'll devote anything it takes to keep you in my presence...I love you to your very last atom...the closer I tried to get to you the Further you run...don't make me loose what I have gained...' She heard Morty's voice now...her Morty. She couldn't help but give in to him.

For the first time he smiles from the bottom of his heart, her eyes sparkled with tears as he smiles back.

Evil Morty and Y/n's eyes finally lock with a different emotion.The gun freezes in her fingers as she stares at him. 'M...morty...' She whispers to him. She starts to brawl out like a needy child as she drops her toy. Like a child reaching out for its mother's embrace Y/n does the same.She cries over his shoulder letting her tears soak his shoulder.

They embrace like they should of done chapters ago...Evil Morty closes the gap between their distant faces. The soft pillow of his lips touch hers as the kiss grows more passionate. Her tongue was his toy as he balanced it on his own. His fingers comb her wired hairs as he pushes her closer. They pull away slowly as a string of mixed saliva follows.

They look into one another's  glassy eyes again. He smiles at her and brushes her glowing cheeks.

'In order to avoid further maintenance due to casualties of our own I want us to be together internally....Become my soul mate....My wife...Marry me Y/n...I want you...'

Y/n's pov

The request got me startled I couldn't answer not yet. I stare at him blankly.

His face was bending in lament as he held my shoulders tightly.

My lips part slightly.

I AM GOD (Evil morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now