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The bright salutations of the sun were a pleasing wake up call. My eyes peel open as I stare up at the ceiling , a smile fades onto my tired expression as I raise up looking at the messy sheets on my duvet.

Someone was here...I thought blushing. As I attempt to step out of bed the breeze of wind hits me. I yelp realising I was completely nude.

I internally screech as I rise from my spot and into my personal bathroom. I knew exactly what happened. I stare at myself in the mirror and sigh.

I need to keep my cool...The guards probably already have a bad impression of me....

I open the tap and splash water on my face, slowly I look at my soaked face in the mirror. 

Thank god Morty's not the one to tease people....


I walk down a relatively silent corridor. Doors leading to different rooms, after a few silent minutes I finally reach his office. Unlike all the others his door was bigger and looked exceedingly richer, a massive golden door that looked a little too big for little Morty. I stood there looking at it in awe.

Finally I pulled it open watching light pour pass my shoulder from the emerging gap of the slowly opening door.

'Morty?' I call as I enter the large empty office. I walk up to the massive desk scattered with papers. In the corner of the room sat a lonesome bin filled with pencil shavings and black powder ....Ashes to be certain. A tall pot of pencils and ball point pens with the new citadel logo on it lean on each other in their confined space in their pot.  I curiously turn over a pile of files to see red maker scratched over some lines, was it classified info? There was a small velvet grand cabinet hanging on the wall through it's red stained glass I could make out small metal cases containing who knows what.... 

I pick up one paper to see the picture was ripped out from the corner and half the information was burnt off. 

What the hell was so confidential it had to be burnt? 

I look around the room to see a paper shredder standing there ideally, it was filled with shredded files to the brim. The rose gold clock on the wall read the time four minutes pass nine, maybe he was asleep in another room?

I walk around his desk to see more papers, I pick up one to see black lines of marker covering paragraphs of  writing all I could make out was ' Subject prefers other alternatives ect other forms of consumption, cannot move currently but cooperates to movement ' through the lighter saturation of the black ink.

What the hell does this even mean?

I started to feel a strike of concern from the amount of secrecy. I look in the large desk drawers just more ripped and classified files I couldn't read. I slam drawers in frustration. I even saw a Rick Sanchez bingo book which didn't surprise me the problem was the amount of faces that were crossed out.

There was one drawer that was specifically hard to open. It needed a key. I cleverly pulled out a bobbing pin from the roots of my hair and began to pick the lock. After a dozen violent shoves it shot open. I was greeted to a city of black,red and blue wires. fat and thin strings of millions of wires. After being rendered quizzical for a few seconds I dig through seeing what was under neath. 

He keeps enough of these in his eye....

I feel a hard object and pull at it sending some wires out onto me. Ignoring them I was surprised to lay my eyes on the entrails. 


I AM GOD (Evil morty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now