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I didn't hear anybody talk about the  Campaign manager's whereabouts again after the whole Gagoo crisis, that room was refurnished and was changed to my personal office though the eerie doubt of those terrible events remained. I was known as the president's first lady and the Ricks had come to respect me. 

Currently I was sitting at a dressing table in my room only in my pyjamas looking intently into the large mirror combing my wet hair. All I could think about was how home sick I was feeling, I knew if I ever mentioned it in front of Morty he'd probably get angry.

I secretly planned to 'visit' sometime when I was sure he'd never know but the real problem was how. There were tears welling in my eyes as the thought of those carefree times with my family. How did I even end up here?

The door opens ajar and someone steps in. I quickly wipe my tears and turn to see my lover slowly smiling down at me. I gingerly smile back and resume to combing my hair.

'Y/n you do realise it's pass midnight right?' He says walking over to me.

I nod in response.

After what it seemed like an hour of uncomfortable silence he takes the comb from me. 

'Let me try...' He says gently combing through my hair.

'You have beautiful hair....reminds me of those china dolls...' 

My cheeks glow as he slows down. 'Just try to relax...' He whispers patting the comb through the roots of my hair,I close my eyes and once again a flash of my family come back.

'Morty..' I say lowly.

'shhhhh.....' he silences softy , I sigh and close my eyes again.

'Hey Morty...'


'Don't I ever get to travel anywhere...despite me begin first lady and all?' I fiddle with my fingers as I spoke.

He stops and puts the comb down firmly on the dressing table and walks over to my bed motioning me to follow. I follow him and sit near him afraid of his answer.

'Y/n when you don't care about anything....the universe is could do anything you want because there's no chance of it ever bothering you...' He was leaning back looking up into the orange illuminated ceiling, his legs were crossed as he wore the same dark suit. 

Confused as to what it had to do with the conversation I look at him quizzically. He smirks at my expression and moves closer to me.  'Never mind...' He remarks. 

'Shall I tuck you in...darling?' He wiggles his eyebrows making me blush, I look away. I knew exactly what he meant......

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