It was only a little nap right?

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"THATS RIGHT NEVER MESS WITH ME AGAIN NERD!" Kellen yelled at you as you road away on your 3 year old bike and back home after a LONG day of school, you where surprised it still fit you for how many years you had it. You road so fast on your bike that you almost ran into a car from how much tired you where from school. You finally made it to your favourite tree that you always day dreamed or napped on, everyone would call you crazy for doing it but you did it anyways. You dropped your bike onto the ground close to the tree and sat down with you back against the smooth bark, you thought about adventures most of the time but soon dozed off. But today you where awake for an extra hour thinking about how this tree even came to be here, it seemed so unnatural from how delicate it was and how the apples where so different but beautiful even the black ones. The thought soon slipped your mind and you where able to sleep but you did hope to not doze off for to long tho.

It was a sunny day, birds singing and the flowers growing so beautifully and you where sitting in a meadow grass just the right size. "Hey you!" You heard a voice from behind you and quickly turned around to see no one there, you went back to looking at the sun set but then again you hear the voice, "hey! I wanna talk to you!" You stand up and look behind you a second time, but all you could see where a pair of light purple boots running away behind a familiar tree. You run after the strange person and go behind the tree and you start falling, and falling, and falling until THUD you hit the ground hard but not to hard to where you got hurt. "C'mon slow poke!" You immediately get up and run after the person, or was it a person? You turned a couple of dark hallways, the walls seemed like you could just fall right through them. You hit a lot of walls and corners to find the person that you where chasing, they finally stopped and you could finally see them. They wore light purple boots with baggy black pants with a purple shirt with gold outlining and a little headband crown that had a symbol of a crescent moon on it that was black, "hey! I'm nightmare!" He said finally understanding that he was a monster like some of the people in the village! He was a skeleton and you could OBVIOUSLY tell he was a boy, "h-hi my n-name is Y/N," you said shyly to the skeleton, "nice to meet you Y/N!" he held out his hand to you, "come! I have to show you something!" You took his offer and held his hand, "what do you wanna s-HOW" he quickly pulled you toward a door surprising you for a second, dang a little skeleton sure does have strength! As he pulled you through the door you could see him....transforming? He turned all black and gooey and 4 long tentacles came from his back, you where now in a snowy village and there was a sign that said 'SNOWDIN' on it but it looked abandoned and who ever was living there must have left quckly, it was all trashed and dirty, "so I wanted to talk with you for a second," one of his tentacles turned your face to look at him, he was hideous! There was goop everywhere on him and he only had one eye with tentacles, it scared you thinking of what he could do with those tentacles! "I don't want you to be surprised about what is gonna happen to you next," you gulped just thinking about what it might be. "I want you to come back to this tree ONLY if you found out what the answer to the puzzle is," he put his tentacle down from your face and stood there staring into your soul for a few moments, then in a blink of an eye he took his tentacle and put it around your neck. "Don't tell no one about this," then you heard a crack and then you woke up.

You gasped for air and touched your neck, there was something around it. It hurt to have it on so much that you couldn't breath, if you where asleep for one more minute you would have died. You finally got it lose and off, it was a dog collar?
You looked around on the inside of the collar and found a note, you looked inside of the note and found the words 'this is it.' Was this something about the dream? Nightmare did say 'don't come back ONLY if you found what the answer to the puzzle is,' you took a deep breath in and let out a big sigh. This was gonna be a LONG winter break.

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