Is this real life?!

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"Y-y-your joking? Right?" You started to sweat and your smile became a scared face. "Nope! Hey what's wrong? You look worried all of a sudden?" Dream asked turning his smile now to a confused face. "N-no! This can't be happening! This is all a dream again!" You try pinching yourself......nope your awake. "Hey, don't be afraid! He....well....doesn't really bite! What's got you so scared about him?" Dream Asked crossing his arms in a still confused way. "T-t-the dream! He looked so mean and evil! H-h-how could he like s-someone like m-m-me?" You stuttered a little as more and more sweat pored from your face, you felt like panicking and running for your life out of here and to your REAL gramps house. Then you heard a siren, the police! Oh no! There probably looking for me to see if I'm ok! "Dream!" You Said now sweating so much that you could fill up a swimming pool. "Yes? What is it?" Dream Asked still with a confused look. "Umm, s-someone is after me! Looking for me! Trying to kidnap me! Can you help me....umm...hide?! Please?" You Said in a panic now hearing the sirens getting really close, "oh my stars! Why does the world have to be THIS cruel? Come! Follow me!" Dream said running behind the tree into some kind of cave. You sprint after him now hearing the sirens of the police cars get really loud as they stopped at the tree, you could hear muffled voices coming from the front of the tree. "Hey! David! Come have a look at this!" One of the officers said, "what is it Charlie?" Said the other one coming close to the tree to look at it, "no home, jus a tree but look at these apples! I never seen such beauty!" Said the first officer taking one on the gold apples off, "HEY!" You heard dream yell behind you from the cave "THOSE ARE OURS!" Yelled another voice from inside the cave but deeper in, it sounded like.....uh oh, Nightmare.

"GET AWAY!" You heard him yell another time and saw one of his tentacles from your dream come straight for the two officers, they took there guns out until one of the officers was swung up in the air by the tentacle and swung back down hard on the ground, so hard, you could have sworn that he cracked the floor. "RUN ITS ONE OF THOSE MONSTERS!" The two officers ran back to there cars and drove away as fast as they could. "So Y/N I see that you met my brother!" Nightmare Said coming out from the dark and gloomy cave, "welp Nightmare, I gave the news!" Said Dream proudly as Nightmares big grin faded into a small mad grin, "you did WHAT!?" Nightmare yelled at his brother angrily. "Oh, you didn't want me to tell her?" Dream said as hid proud position faded into a slumped, disappointing position. "OF CORSE NOT! WHAT DO YOU THINK SHES THINKING NOW HUH? THAT IM A GREEDY AND BI—Y LITTLE MONSTER?!" Nightmare Said becoming OVERLY upset, Dream had basically ruined his WHOLE ENTIRE plan! Dream on the other hand was now sweating a little bit to, how? No one will ever know for sure. "S-sorry! I thought you wanted me to-!" Nightmare started raging at his brother before he could finish his sentence, the next thing that you really understood and heard was, 'NOW SHE PROBABLY HATES ME!' come from Nightmare. "N-Nightmare?" You say in a worrying tone, scared if he was gonna start raging at you, Nightmare sighed calming down a little bit but still had a mean tone in his voice, "what?" He asked looking at you calming down a little more by the second, "c-can we just sit down and talk this out? I mean, I kinda would like you at least as a friend if I got to know you more?" You asked just knowing at any time that Nightmare could start beating at you with his words, "all right, fine, only if Dream promises NOT to join in on the conversation!" Nightmare Said looking at his brother, cringing madly at his brother with his only eye. "Oh come on please Nightmare? I mean what did I do so wrong?" Dream said looking a little disappointed, "HECK NO YOU'VE ALREADY RUINED MY LIFE SO MANY TIMES!" Nightmare Said returning his mean look at Dream, "you should at least be happy I'm letting you stay with me after all the bad things you did!" Dream said pointing his finger and Nightmare and exchanging expressions with Nightmare, "YOU'LL BE SORRY!" Dream said stomping away into the dark cave, you weren't even sure that that was the real Dream from how mad he looked, "ughh!" Nightmare Said crossing his arms, "and after we talk I am getting you and Dream back in a brotherly relationship," you whispered to yourself. "Come on, if we stand here all night we'll just be wasting life," Nightmare said walking back into the cave while grabbing you by the rist catching you by surprise, "OW! hey watch it! Your the one who pulled me into this thing!" You yell at Nightmare becoming very frustrated by how childish he really was.

You where soon at a door and as Nightmare opened the door to go inside you felt a gush of.....relief, there was no drunk mother or beer bottles or cat and dog waist on the ground by the neighbors, it was just a fresh home. "Umm Nightmare?" You ask him as he takes his hand off your rist, "Yes?" He asks back, "is it ok if I umm.....s-stay here for a while? It's fine if you don't want me to and I'm sure it's weird-," Nightmare cuts you short, "it's fine we don't ever barely go in this house so you won't be a bother," Nightmare Says with a sigh. "Thanks! My mom, well step mom just-," "passed and your trying not to go to your gramps because he's to weird? Yup I know all about it!" Nightmare Said finally entering the house with you behind him, "wait have you been stalking me?" You ask Nightmare in a sassy tone you never thought you could even do, "NO OF CORSE NOT!" Nightmare Said in a hurry, but you could easily tell he was lying, "and people call me crazy for thinking that people have senpai's in the world!" You say to yourself, "ugh! I've just been bored most of the time and I actually mostly stalk everyone! Ok?" Nightmare Said while exhaling, "ok ok I get it! Can we just talk in the living room!" You say now jumping around impatiently, "Ok! Ok! Let's go!" Nightmare Said while speed walking into the living room, "thank god! I thought we would never talk!" You Said clearly upset by how Nightmare was acting.

You talked for a good 2 hours but stopped when you heard a knock on the door and Nightmare went to go answer it, "Ih it's you," Nightmare Said unhappily, "sup my radical bro! How's the date with that lovely fiancé you got over there huh?" Asked the person at the door, but you had a feeling it was another skeleton and a few more, "yeah! How's it going love bird?" Another one Asked, "ugh! Really? Right now and how do you know about it?" Nightmare asked changing his tone into a confused one, "from Dream! I got a message and I shared it with everyone so we decided to come I pier and se how things are going!" The third one said but sounded more like a 5 year old said it than a grown up. Nightmare sighed and let the people in, and you where right! They where another set of skeletons! "Y/N meet Ink, Fresh, Blueberry, Error, And last but not least Fell!"

(Dang I make long paragraphs I had to space it out XD)

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