More answers to a familiar question

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You took the note, folded it and put it in your pocket. You got up from the tree and ran to your bike, you could have sworn that the bark turned more spiky. You got on your bike and road home, on your way you realized ITS ALREADY 8:30!? you knew right then and there mom was gonna kill you! You looked up and saw your house already even tho the tree was 2 miles away from your house, you must have really been trying to save your life from your mom! You start to slow your paste trying not to be seen or heard my your evil mom, put your bike in the garage and then go inside. It seemed like no one was home, not even your greedy bull hound was in the house. You put your back-pack on a dining room chair and go inside the kitchen. Nothing was there ether, not even the liquid from the ramen noodles that mom made was there and only one light was on. Sitting there on the balcony was another note, you opened it up to see probably another hint to the puzzle night,are was talking about, it said 'there is no one around to help.' You thought for a moment, what could this mean? Was that nightmare guy after you? And where the notes referring to something? Aha! You realized that the notes are sentences about what's happening in the real life world! Like how it said 'this is it' and you where about to die just like your life was over and 'there is no one around to help' that meant there is no one around you right now! It all sounded like a psychopath has taken over your mind and you were slowly giving in, at that point, you couldn't even tell if you where yourself anymore b-but how? Nightmare was in my dreams, how could he basically talking to me by notes and the real life world? Wait and how did he know about the tree I have been the only one to really see it?

You woke up from something touching your hands, it felt gooey and slimey. Oh no not again!! You look down at your hands to see it was only your dirty dog licking your hands to tell you to wake up "oh, it's just you Buster!" You and Buster had a great relationship, you could say that they both live with mutualism. You always gave him baths, walked him, fed him and he always was your guard dog and it was almost guarding you from your alcoholic mom. "Uh oh! C'mon Buster, we gotta leave!" You pulled on his leash and took him upstairs since you slept in the basement and hood behind the pantry door as your mom walked in the kitchen, "Y/N I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU NOW GET YOUR A$$ IN HERE NOW!" You slowly got out of your hiding spot and went to the balcony where your mom was standing, "it said it was from the tree and it has a N on it, do you know this person?" She gave you the note and you looked on the bottom, she was right there was a N but in very fancy hand writing. "Now I want you upstairs and away from me." You sheepishly looked at your mom as she started to tense up, and there she goes again! "DO WHAT YOUR TOLD AND GO BEFORE I GIVE YOU ANOTHER WIPIN'!" Your mother yelled as she pointed her finger to the basement. You slightly jumped even tho you where aspecting it and ran down to the basement. A tear rolled down your eye just thinking about how much longer this would stay. You opened the note and looked inside it said 'Now don't be afraid or shocked and listen to my words' and there it goes again but what was it referring to? Nothing happened...yet. BANG! You quickly jerked and turned your head to look at the upstairs door. You walked to it carefully and went back upstairs and there was your mother...on the the living room...there was blood gushing out from her head...and a gun in her hand that was covered in blood...she wasn't breathing. You put your hands on your mouth in disbelief, "oh my god!" You rushed to the phone and quickly called 911 tears running down your face, not sorry for you mom, but sorry for what might happen to you.

The police came in a flash already setting up everything for the inspection, "hey kid! Come over here for a sec!" You looked beside you to see a police officer, "yes? What do you need?" You asked the young officer. "Was this your mother?" He asked and pointed to the dead corpse of your suicidal mom. "Well, step mother my mom died when I was born," you corrected the officer. "Oh ok well don't be afraid or shocked, listen to my words." Wait wasn't that the same thing that the letter said? "Do you have any other family?" You thought about your gramps...oh no! He's one of those weird grandparents that tell WAY to many stories about 'when I was a kid' but you had an idea. "In fact I do! My gramps he lives near a tree 2 miles from here!" You lied about him being near the tree. "Ok good what I want you to do is go to your gramps house and stay there, tell him everything! Go!" The officer looked at you as you took your dogs leash and got your bike and left, you were surprised that he even let you go alone, it was probably because you said it was so close. When you got to the tree you slammed your bike onto the ground and looked at the beautiful tree. "I understand what you wanted! You wanted me to stay with you! Are you...protecting me?" You yelled out to the tree. "Yes! In fact I am!" You heard a voice almost sounding like nightmare but more happy and alive like. You saw a figure behind the tree coming out to show itself, it was another skeleton but he had yellow boots black saggy pants and a blue shirt almost matching the same type as nightmares when he wasn't that horrible monster and he had the gold outlining to he had a head band crown but with swirls at the middle of it, what made him seem more kid like was the fact he had a cape with a star like he was playing superhero and yellow gloves to match his boots. "My name is dream, my brother that you saw in the dream was nightmare!" He held out his hand for a hand shake and you accepted it, "my name is Y/N nice to meet you dream!" You both shook hands and smiled at each other. "I'm really sorry about what has been going on! It must be hard, my brother doesn't have barley ANY experience trying to tell people his feelings," he then gave a awkward smile to you. "Wait what do you mean feelings?" You ask Dream lowering your smile, "don't you know! Nightmare likes you!"

And Nightmare AKA (IHateTheStarSanses94) if you are here please don't make a whole paragraph about how much you love nightmare to, please? It's cringy! And NO ONE comment about the song/meme I just really wanted to put that there :P

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