Meeting new........skeletons!

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"Oh there's more of this brat!" You say sarcastically, "hey! I'm not that childish!" Nightmare Said back to you. "Welp, I guess this is tough love huh?" Error Said, you could easily tell who was who. "Oh my god, WILL YOU SHUT IT ABOUT THE GF THING?!" Nightmare Yelled at his friends still being annoyed, and you could tell you weren't helping. "Ok ok! So you aren' know yet?" Said Fell, the only thing that stuck out to you about him was the dog collar, why did he have that? .........yeah you really don't wanna know. "Sooooooo! What have you two been doing!" Ink which you could tell it was the one with the paint brush elbowed him on the shoulder smiling like he just said the biggest and funniest joke in the world. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP! IM ALREADY FRUSTRATED WITH DREAM!" Nightmare Yelled at Ink, you saw ink cringe a little from his aggressive yelling, you where still dumb founded, how do they even talk or move? There skeletons for peet sake! "We've just been talking!" Nightmare Said calming down a bit, but you knew he would soon fade into a raging skeleton in about...........6 minutes. All of the skeletons sat on the couch and Fresh took the remote for the tv, "really you guys? As soon as you come in you just sit on the couch and watch tv?" Nightmare asked shutting the front door. "Yup!" Fresh said finding something on the tv to watch and throwing the remote behind the couch. "Sooo!" Blue Said scooting closer to you and whispered in your ear, "what do you think of Nightmare? Just to ask!" You thought for a moment and stared at Nightmare, you felt your cheeks get a little hot. "Awwwww! She really does like you!" Ink said staring at you as everyone looked at you to. You felt your cheeks, they where burning! You are blushing! You quickly look away from Nightmare and excuse yourself and go outside back to the tree but out of sight from anyone that was on the road. You put your knees to your chest and think like you always did, but you thought about how you could like a skeleton? How would you know? Just how? It seemed so stupid, you didn't know what to feel. You suddenly hear footsteps from the dark cave, it was Dream. "So having boy problems?" Dream Asked walking out of the dark abyss. "DREAM!" You yell at your new friend blushing while you look up at the leaves and put your hands on you face. "FOR A FRIEND YOU ARE SO EMBARRASSING!" You yell again as you can here slight laughter from Dream, "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" You yell again blushing harder as Dream laughs harder, "ok ok ok! I'm sorry I just had to say it!" Dream Says as he giggles to himself one last time and sits next to you. "Look I know this is all new to you and you probably so confused," Dream Says turning serious. "And right now your probably wondering why we are like this and everything!" Dream Says looking at you with kind eyes, your blush fades as you think deeper into it. Dream was right, this was confusing to you, you just had your only and last parent die, the police are looking for you, you probably have your face on every street. What have you done! You should of not been so curios and then a memory comes into your mind.

"Mommy! Can you read me a story before I go to bed!" A 5 year old British voice says to a lady. "Of corse my dear!" Said the woman as she tucks the child in, "where's the book mommy?" Says the child. "I have a story right here!" She points to her fore head signaling that she had a story in mind. "Oh child, get comfy because this will be a long story," the lady says to the child who moves around under the sheets to get comfy. "Once upon a time there was a tree, and that tree was a very special tree!" Said the woman but the child interrupted her, "why was the tree so special mommy?" The little child asked. "Well my child, the tree was a guardian and it held the power of good and evil," the child had sparkles in her eyes by how amazed she was, this was the best story in the world already! "One day the tree made two monsters and they where skeletons, one ruled all good and the other ruled all evil," Said the lady. "But the good one was cherished with love, peace, kindness, and was adored by all humans, but for the other," the lady stopped thinking about how sad this might turn out even for a 80 year old guy that has fought in the army, the child's eyes faded into a sad look, "was happened to the evil one mommy?" The little kid asked. "Well he was forgotten, left out just to watch the good side have fun, his life was filled with depression," the lady said as she looked at the child slowly slump into a depressed position, "was the man ok mommy? Did anything good happen to him?" The child Asked. "Well yes!" The lady smiled at the child as the child smiled back, "but it was just leading into disaster from what he did," Said the lady as her smile faded a little, so did the child's. "So he ate the fruit from the tree guardian, he became so powerful that he started transforming into another monster that was all black and only had one eye with tentacles, black to match the rest of him," the child started to become scared and worried, "what happened next mommy?" The child asked, her voice started to fade into a frightened tone. "Well the ruler of good, his brother, ate the last apple but wasn't strong enough to be able to kill him off-GAH!" The lady screamed in pain as her chest started to bleed and she fell out of the chair onto the ground gasping for air, "MOMMY!" The child got out of bed and went to go help the lady. "GET OUT FROM THE WINDOW! THERE IS SOMEONE TO HELP YOU!" The child looked at the windows then to the door. There was a sniper with a gun and police running behind him getting ready to get him and arrest the sniper along with 7 other officers. The child looked back at the window still holding her mom as she was slowly dying. "M-my child, l-listen t-to him I-I will dearly m-miss you," the lady said. "BUT MOMMY!" The child yelled crying as hard as she could. "G-GO!" The lady yelled back at her and fave her a necklace, "w-where this t-then I-I-I will a-alway be w-with you-" as the lady said her goodbyes and gave the necklace to the child she passed on, and died. "MOMMY! NO!" The child yelled, but she obeyed the lady and jumped out the window, as she did she heard gun shots go out the window. The child fell 10 stories from the families apartment. Suddenly she felt boney hands catch her, she looked up and saw a skeleton, it had a headband that was pure gold with 2 swirls connecting at the ends and in the eye sockets of the skeleton there was a yellow dot in both of them, "h-hello-," the child said before passing out from the fall.

Dream sighed as he looked at you as you slowly left your imagination and thoughts, "y-y-you and I-I-I mom from the," You studded confused about how the memory came back into your head about how your mom died. "I'm so sorry you had to see that Y/N," Dream said looking sorry for you. But how was Dream there? How did that just come back into your mind and now? "Dream?" You Said to Dream shaking, "Yes?" He Asked, "why didn't you ever come back for me? Didn't you know that I was suffering? Or not?" You asked still having so many questions in your head. "I did know and I couldn't Y/N I'm sorry," Dream said looking disappointed in himself, "and if I could it would just get both of us dead," Dream Said now looking more disappointed that you thought a living creature could be, "pfft!" You started to giggle, "what's so funny?" Dream Asked, "but your already dead silly!" You Said trying to lighten the mood. "Oh, OH! I GET IT!" You two had a laugh before you both stood up, "Dream?" You asked, "yeah Y/N?" Dream Asked back. "Your the bested friend I could ever have in the world, you know that?" You Said to Dream smiling. "Oh come on I'm not that special!" Dream said rolling his eyes, "but it's true! You've helped me through so much!" You say to Dream serious, "thanks! But really in just a skeleton that came from a tree! I'm barley special!" Dream said as you both walked back in the cave and back into the house. You punch Dream on the shoulder as he laughs and then rubs the spot you punched. You open the door as you see......a COMPLETE mess! There where books on the floor, candles, good thing they weren't lit, on the ground, glass shattered. "NIGHTMARE YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE! I LET YOU STAY HERE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?!" Dream yells out for his brother, you looked around and then was pushed to the ground with your arms above your head on your back and in.....THAT position and Nightmare was right on top of you! Nightmare looks at you and blushes light blue and you blush dark red. You stared at him for a few moments before punching him in the nose, he quickly stood up and held his bleeding nose, "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He Yelled at you madly, probably from those other friends around. "IF YOU DIDN'T STARE AT ME LIKE THAT IN THAT POSITION THEN MAYBE I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT!" You Yelled back at him. Dream comes up to Nightmare and stares at him with his hands on his hips, and then slaps him across the face, "RESLLY NIGHTMARE I LEAVE FOR TWO SECONDS TO TALK TO Y/N AND YOU MESS THE HOUSE UP?" Dream Yelled angrily at Nightmare clearly about to burst into lava from how mad he was. "Umm it was our fault for making him......mad," Ink got up and out from a pile of trash from a nocked down trash can and as the other got up from there messy spot you could easily see the bruises and scratches from how mad Nightmare got. "Umm Dream?" You shaked Dream on the shoulder as he tensed up. He was about to LITERALLY explode. "THATS IT I WANT ALL OF YOU GUYS HAVING A ROOM TO CLEAN IN THE NEXT TWO SECONDS!!!"

As Ink, Error, Fell, Blue, Fresh, and Nightmare cleaned a room you and Dream where upstairs, you took a long nap in the guest room bed and Dream was watching tv in his room. For once the house was quiet and nice, just like how you first came in, fresh, clean, and pure calm. You slept for a long time, so long, that when you woke up they where already done with the cleaning and was on the couch ether watching tv or sleeping. This family of skeletons sure was one heck of a reck if you ask me!

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