Since when was Nightmare in the same high school as me?

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For 2 weeks you stayed at your new friends houses, meeting new skeletons mostly everyday. But the weirdest one of all was swapfell, how the freak does a little 4'5'' (at least I think that's how you put the marks XD) skeleton destroy a 6'9'' skeleton? It makes no sense! But of corse you just left the thought alone and the brothers alone but still! How?! Anyways it was the last day of winter break for you, you went to bed at 9:30 and you saw Nightmare and Dream go to bed at the same time to, where they planning to follow me like a creep or something? No..they would never do that!.......well Dream at least.

The next morning you where up and early to get ready for school, and you saw Nightmare and Dream getting ready to? If they where in high school with me then why do they look like there 670 years old? You think to yourself, are they really coming with me? Oh no this is gonna be so embarrassing! A skeleton that's mean and likes you with his nice brother? That sounds like a disaster coming right toward the whole school! You where finally ready to go as you got your bike from the front of the cave, raccoons where always near it and mostly protected it from anyone else than you. You pedaled to the cafe still far from the school and as you came out there was Nightmare in the passengers side and Dream in the drivers side honking at you, and how the heck did they get a FT (I think that's what they call those cars with the 12 seater thing?) and with all of there friends in it? They where also wearing......the same uniform from school! So they really did go to high school! "Come on you don't wanna be late!" Fell Said opening the window to revile Ink, Error, Swap, Swapfell, Fell, Classic, G sans, Science sans (I think they where giving him a ride because he was a teacher), gaster  BLASTER sans, outertale sans, and last but not least Fresh! With Dream and Nightmare in the front, there was one seat for you which was in the FREAKIN MIDDLE of all of the sanses, this was going to be a great ride! Not. As you say in the car, squished between all of the sanses you thought to yourself, but how do they go to the same school as me? I haven't seen them at all? "Ugh! Do we have to go to this dumb school!" Error Said crossing his arms as much upset as you where. "Wait how are you even going to this school?" You asked them, "a message from the school allowed us to and  we went because we wanted to feel more accepted," Ink said answering your question. "Why do you need acceptance?" You asked another question back to Ink. "Well lets just say the whole city hates us but you....well most of the city," Ink said his happiness fading a bit. "B-but it's ok! We get it, monsters just coming from the underground and living here in a hurry might be frustrating!" Dream said still having his eyes on the road, you sigh as everyone goes back to doing.....what they where doing...well going crazy. You look at Nightmare as he looks at you through the mirror (that one in the middle of the driver and the seat next to it, I'm sorry I know nothing XD) and sees you day dreaming, he blushes a bit from how cute you looked when you day dreamed.

As soon as you all got there you where the first one to get out of the car, dang that place was crowded. You finally felt so free after getting out, you where pretty sure that for that day on you where gonna have claustrophobia. "Jeez! This school is giant!" Swap said looking up at Shark Base High School. "What kind of name is that for a school?" Swapfell Said (we shall call him cherry for now on because idk what else to call him) crossing his arms looking at the letters on the sign at the front of the huge school. "Sounds more like a school from the lake than a school right in front of a forest!" Fell Said following along with Cherry. "Well this used to be in front of an ocean when it first came out in 1934!" You say to your friends as they look at you in disbelief, "how could this school be (freak math it's winter break! Just say what it is in the comments! I'm so lazy)!" Dream said, 'hello my little Minos! Welcome back to Shark Base High School! We would like to insure you that now new monsters from decades ago are now joining this school! Please be respectful to our new students who finally have a chance to learn more about this world! Have a great day and don't forget to be responsible and respectful! And most importantly be safe!' Said the principal on the speakers throughout the school. "They call us Minos?" Error Said cringing from how dumb it sounded, but still this was a old school so they understood.

As they went to there new lockers you saw Kellen out of the corner of your eye really! Right now when I have them around me! You think as you open your locker, but Kellen quickly closes it with his hand and you turn around to see him right up close at your face. "So who's the little friends you have over there girl? Hmm?" Kellen said with a evil grin. "Oh there just friends that I bet could beat your ass!" You say back to them. "Oh there no where near here girl! They can't to anything about my pay back!" Kellen said lifting you up by the collar on your shirt and making a fist right at your face about to punch you. But you punch him first in the stomach, but all he did was let go and hold his stomach with his arm but put his hand back in the collar of your shirt and lifted you up again. "That's all you got girl? No wonder you are always beat up!" He took his arm away from his stomach and put it in a fist about to punch you again. But before he did a hand went on Kellen's shoulder, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" A familiar voice said. "Oh look!" Kellen said turning his head to Nightmare, "one of the little girls friends here to save the day!" He said as Kellen's friends gave a little chuckle. "Alright! You asked for it!" Nightmare Said as one of his tentacles grabbed Kellen by the arm. "Hey what the hell man! Mind your own business and leave us alone!" Kellen Said now madly at Nightmare. Nightmare didn't say a thing but put another tentacle around Kellen's leg, "DUDE OK IM SORRY! JUST PUT ME DOWN!" Kellen Said now turning his anger to a scared 18 year old kid. "GUYS HELP ME! DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" Kellen yelled out to his friends, but they just ran away in horror. "Aww look who's calling out for there friends now?" Nightmare Said now having all 4 of his tentacles on all 4 of Kellen's limbs. In a blink of an eye he was slammed against a locker and then the ceiling and then on the floor as Nightmare dropped him. He was bleeding, bruised up, you could have sworn you heard a bone crack. "NIGHTMARE!" You yell at Nightmare from how mad and surprised you where, he's taken this thing WAY to far, "what?" Nightmare Says. "YOU ARE TAKING THIS THING WAY TO FAR!" You yell at him, and by loud you yelled a teacher came from around the corner and by then the whole school was looking at you guys. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Miss. Arthur yelled mad and confused. "H-h-him! H-her st-stupid f-friends!" Kellen said to the teacher (when teachers say Dreams and Nightmares last names it's just gonna be tree because I have no other last names XD) "MR. TREE! KELLEN IS TELLING ME YOU DID THIS?" Miss. Arthur yelled at Nightmare. "Don't yell at me! Yell at Kellen, it's his fault this all happened!" Nightmare said pointing to Kellen. "THATS IT I WANT ALL OF YOU IN MR. ROSEBERRY'S ROOM NOW!"

As the other students all went to there classes including your other friends (and science sans was already at a class waiting for his students and yes he was a teacher) you, Nightmare and Kellen where sitting in the principals room right in front of his desk. He soon comes in and sits down on his side of the desk. "So I heard what has been going on," Mr. Roseberry said sitting in his chair. "I SWEAR IT WAS ALL THIS DUMB SKELETONS FAULT NOT MINE I-!" Kellen started saying to the principal but he stopped him. "Kellen! Please let Y/N speak, Miss. Arthur said that you where the biggest problem in this situation," the principal said as Kellen relaxed in his seat. "Miss. Y/LN please," he said nodding his head to you. "Thank you Mr. Roseberry, well Kellen is mostly the big problem of this situation, he has been bullying me since day one!" You say to your principal as he looks at Kellen madly and disappointed. "But today I came with all of my friends and of corse he went to bully me like always but Nightmare comes in and uses his powers to teach Kellen a lesson so I got mad and yelled and that's when Miss. Arthur came in." You explained. Mr. Roseberry sighed as he looked at the two boys. "So, for today and tomorrow I want you both in detention until 3:50," the principal said to them as they disappointedly sat back in there seats. "Ok fine we will be there!" Nightmare Said standing up and leaving the room. So did you and Kellen but Mr. Roseberry stopped you. "Y/N?" He said, "Yeah Mr. Roseberry?" You Said back. "Make sure you look after your friend for us, ok?" He said getting some papers out and a pen. "Sure! Well.....I'll try!" You say with a smile. "Thanks, you can go to your class now Y/LN!" The principal said smiling back. Welp this was gonna be a great rest of the year!......not.

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