Detention, Sleepovers, and Hurt

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As the day some how fastly passed Nightmare got more and more upset about the whole detention thing, welp you couldn't do anything about it so you just let him wine about it. The only thing that really made you happy that day was that Kellen would stop picking on you. It was finally time to go home as you stayed at the school doing some homework in the library but was also there for Nightmare to pick him up because he wanted to walk with you.

When you finally get done with your homework Nightmare comes in the library with his back pack and what looks like a smug on the left side of his face, oh of corse he fell asleep! "Come on! I'm ready to leave this jail!" Nightmare said looking around the big library. "Perfecto timing goop boy!" You said shoving the last of your books inside of your bag along with your homework. "Ugh! Can you not call me that, it's getting old!" Nightmare said looking annoyed at you. "Alright alright I'll stop!" You say standing up from your seat exiting the library with Nightmare behind you. You whisper to yourself "goop boy!" One last time but of corse Nightmare heard it. "CAN YOU NOT!" Nightmare said raging at you but all you do is giggle.

Once your outside of your school and on the sidewalk Nightmare asked, "do you wanna join me and the rest of the guys for at sleep over at inks?" He said, blushing a little. "Sure! I guess!" You say looking behind you to see a line of light blue blush on his cheek bones. "Welp just follow me and Dream tomorrow to inks," Nightmare said as you guys finally arrive. Nightmare sprints past you and into the dark cave, of corse hiding something.

As you finally wake up on the couch watching tv you hear someone behind you, to sleepy to turn your head you fall back asleep but wake up from feeling something on your head. It felt boney but nice, you blush a little not knowing why but then smiling and falling all the way asleep.

(Freak saying stuff about the dream! I'm to lazy!)

When you wake up you feel like your laying on a pile of hard and solid bones, turns out you where! When you look up you see Nightmare holding you close to his chest. You wanted to squirm free but you felt so comfortable! You lay your head back on his chest and try to fall asleep again................nope your wide awake! You look up at Nightmare sleeping and you start to blush again, you sighed and stood up to get something to eat, you where starving! When you sat down with your blueberry muffin you sit right next to Nightmare and watch tv. You finally ate the last bite and threw the rapper away. But this time when you sat back down you sat in Night ares lap with a huge Y/P on it, you rapped it around Nightmare and then yourself basically now cuddling again with Nightmare. You where surprised that you didn't get any of his black goop on you.

The next day you just mostly slept until it was time to leave, and when you did you saw Nightmare blushing so much you bet his whole body was light blue. It was weird because Inks house was in the middle of the anti-void (at least I think that's what you call it) and it was pure white, you had to cover your eyes to walk through there. "Oh! Hi Y/N I wasn't aspecting you!" Ink said with a devilish grin. "Why not? I mostly follow them everywhere so why not come here?" You said shrugging your shoulders a bit. "Welp have a good time!" Ink says opening the door to..........the world of childhood! There was candy, games, food, and all other kinds of stuff, you went for the food first and mostly ate all of the pop tarts. While you played games and ate you where mostly looking at Ink and Nightmare discussing something but you didn't pay and attention to it.

Nightmares POV
The whole time I was so afraid of what she would think. The whole party was for our plan, at night time that's when we start! But the whole time Y/N looked at us while we talked about the plan and she looked kinda worried for some reason. When we finally had the plan all figured out I went over to Y/N and hanged out and played video games for the on, and ate A LOT of popcorn so much I felt like I was going to pop to! It was finally time to sleep and everyone was ether sleeping (well only fell from the juice he brought in) or telling stories and just talkin'. "Oh shoot!" Y/N said all of a sudden, "what is it?" I ask. "I forgot! Remember about that treatment I've been taking once a week?" Y/N says back, "ummm.....oh yeah! Wait did you bring it?" I ask again. "Nope I forgot! I'll be back in a flash!" She said while running out the front door, "WAIT!" I yell after her just remembering there was a giant void around inks place. But she doesn't hear me, I stand up and go outside to see her run back but run into me, "your forgetting something else!" I say teleporting back to the house. "It might take a while!" Y/N says to me, "fine I'll just make a portal for when your ready!" I say and make the portal and go into it leaving her alone to find her treatment.

Narrator POV
You where right! This was going to take a long time and when you finally found it and took your treatment (it can be a treatment for anything) you looked at the time and saw it was 7:49! You left at 6:47! You quickly open the front door and run outside to the portal but right in front of the portal was Kellen and his dumb friend, good thing it was only one tho. "So how's life with those worthless morons girl?" Kellen said. "Better than ever now let me go in!" You say trying to see the portal and it was slowly shrinking! You didn't have much time left! "I wanna talk girl!" Said Kellen walking towards you with a evil grin like always. "So what happened at school got me pretty pissed!" He said crossing his arms. "So I guess it's pay back time huh?" He said putting his face closer to yours showing off his bruised lip. "My friend over here has some love to give to you!" Kellen said pointing at his friend with his thumb. "Oh you sick jerk!" You say back to him. "Caden! Take it away!" Kellen said walking backwards and his friend walking toward you. "Don't you dare-!" You say but is cut off by him grabbing your rists and holds them tight and kisses you, you try so hard to pull away but his grip was to strong, you even tried punching him in the stomach but still he only takes his hands off and rips your shirt off and hugs you still kissing you. You started crying and thought that you where really gonna until a voice comes from the portal, "HEY GET OFF!" You look at the portal, it's Nightmare! He takes one of his tentacles and puts it around Caden's waist and throws him up in the air and then Kellen to, Nightmare throws them into a far away bush and runs toward you hugging you, comforting you as you cry in his arms. He walks back into the portal carrying you as you rap your arms around his neck, he covers your torso with two of his tentacles as he walks through the door to inks place. Everyone stopped talking and looked at you and Nightmare, "oh no! What happened?" Ink asked, "just...guys from school!" Nightmare says picking up your bag with your clothes in it and walks upstairs for privacy. He puts you down on he guest room bed and gives you your bag to get another shirt. "I'm so sorry Y/N," Nightmare said looking sadly at you. "It's not your fault, you didn't do anything," you say still crying a bit from how scared you where. "No it is all my fault," Nightmare says sitting down next to you. "I was supposed to protect you and take care of you ever since you where with that other mother like it was dreams job to protect you when you left your real mom," Nightmare said. "How's that?" You ask him, "well when you where born you were supposed to be one of us, your mother was the cousin of our mother but of corse the tree had different ideas," Nightmare now looking a little mad. "What's wrong? You look mad?" You ask Nightmare, "it just sounds dumb to like someone in the same family as you!" Nightmare said blushing a bit. "Well I think it's perfectly fine!" You say kissing Nightmare on the cheek and walking out of the room with your bag. Nightmare sighed and touched the place where you kissed him. He blushed a little harder just thinking about you. Well that was one crazy night!

Sorry this one was really bad I'm really tired but wanted to finish this chapter :P

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