Chapter 7-Hunt (part 4)

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-It's all your fault!You knew you had to stay away from her!

It's amazing how easily hatred can wake up inside you when a dear one of yours has been hurt. Lana was enraged.

-Let me explain,Brandon pleaded.

-Not a word!,she denied and with a wave of her hand she threw him at the wall.

Her mind was blurred and she wasn't thinking straight.

-Excrusio!,she yelled and Brandon fell on his knees.

He couldn't breathe.He was gasping for some air.With that spell,he would be dead in three minutes.

-You see how easy it is for me to kill you here and now?,she told him.

-The poison...she won't her!,he managed to say.

Then Lana instantly pulled herself together and released him from the spell.It was as if she had woken up from a bad dream and finally knew what she had to do.He touched his neck.He felt great relief when he was able to breathe again.

-The antidote...I must make the antidote,Lana said to herself.-Take her upstairs to her room.I imagine you know which one is it,she turned around and said to him.

He looked at her filled with bitterness and stood up to his feet.

-I expect you to explain everything to me later,she continued and ran to the kitchen.

She walked behind the counter,and with a swift move she pulled the carpet which was hiding a wooden door that was leading to a basement,a hideout,where she was keeping all her potions and the ingridients for their making.

She went down the stairs and grabbed nervously a few small bottles,looking at the tags that was written down what they contained.She felt a knot in her throat choking her.She left the bottles on a shelf,took a few breaths to calm down and moved on.

Brandon laid Alex down softly on her bed.

-Get better and I will do anything you ask,I promise,he said to her and held her hand tight.-God,if you exist,please don't take her away from me,he continued.

Alex blinked.She seemed to be coming round.An expression of pain was formed on her face.The wound on her leg was deep and she had to take the antidote for the werewolf's bite immediately.Her body was burning and her face was red from the fever.She opened her eyes for a while but everything was blurry.She turned her head and discerned a man's figure.She was certain it was Brandon.She was so dizzy.

-I knew you'd come,she whispered and closed her eyes again.

-Everything is going to be alright,he said to her and his eyes filled with tears.

Only she could make him feel the weakest and the strongest person -or whatever it is that he was- on the planet.

After a few seconds,Lana came in.The antidote was ready.

-I think it's better for you to get out.This will hurt her,a lot,she said to him.

He nodded silently and left.

He was standing in the haul and walking back and forth,with his eyes always teared up.Every time he was hearing her scream,he wanted to tear the whole house down.After a long time,she finally stopped.The door opened and Lana came out.Brandon didn't turn around to look at her.

-How is she?,he asked.

-She will be fine.I gave her some sleeping potion so she can sleep,she told him and understood that a huge burden was lifted off him.He touched his hand exausted on the wall.-Listen...,she started saying.

-No.You will listen to me now,he interrupted her.-I would rather die than hurt her.You want my life?It's yours.But you must know that I tried to protect her,he said and his face darkened.

Lana approached him and touched his shoulder.

-I believe you,she said calmly.Now that she was thinking clearly,she was feeling a bizarre compassion and sumpathy for that young man.He seemed to be really caring for her granddaughter.

-I'll stay away from her.I'll never admit it in front of her,but she was right.We both have much to lose,he said.The words were coming out of his lips with difficulty.

-Come on now,calm down.We'll fix everything.We'll find a way.Now,excuse me,but you must leave because her uncle will be here any minute.It's better not to find you here,she reassured him.

She was talking to him exactly the way she would talk to her granddaughter.

-I understand...I just want you to do me a favour,he said and looked at her in the eyes.-Don't tell her I was here.Tell her it was just an illusion.It's better that way,he pleaded.

-Alright,if that's what you want,I won't tell her,she answered and Brandon left.

Not a long time afterwards,Joseph arrived upset.His mother had informed him as soon as Alex fell asleep.He opened the door a bit to see her,sighed in relief and decided to sleep at their house that night.

~To be continued~

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