Taking Care of Business

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Creeping up quietly, Rocky could make out the forms of a certain rabbit and hairless cat in a room. They were talking to each other in hushed voices. "Dude, you need to relax. They only went on their first date!" Snowball muttered. But Ozone refused to listen as he said, "But I was going to date Pepper! It's now the twentieth of January and they're still dating!" Shaking his paw towards the sky, the cat shouted, "Curse you Nitro!" Suddenly, Snowball saw something hit Ozone on the back of the head. Turning around, he got struck right in the middle of his forehead by a baseball bat...

Tiptoeing cautiously, Rocky waited for a poodle to leave the room. At last, the poodle left the apartment. Springing through an open window, Rocky got to work...

"You know, playing video games is very dangerous!" Rocky lied. He was talking to Mel, Buddy, and Sweetpea. "It can cause your brain to explode." The three gasped in horror as he walked away smirking...

"So Rhonda never wants to see me ever again?" Pops whimpered, a tear rolling down his cheek. In the background, Myron was getting the place ready for a party. Scratching his ear, Rocky nodded his head solemnly. Tears falling faster, Pops cried, "Myron, cancel the party!" Rocky left through an open window, smiling to himself...

Nervously, Rocky rattled the shed door, his fur bristling with dread. "Norman, is that you? Give me five more minutes pal," a sleepy voice called out from within the darkness. Clearing his throat, Rocky announced, "Actually, I need to talk with you now, eagle." Groaning, the hawk got to his feet as he muttered, "Probably the best dream I had in years!" Noticing a hood on his head, Rocky tugged it off and looked the hawk in the eye. "What do you want to talk about?" the hawk asked sleepily, trying to stay awake. Suddenly, he quickly grabbed a swinging baseball bat before it hit him in the head. "Nice try pal!" Tiberius congratulated his best friend's father sarcastically as he tossed the bat aside. "Yeah, how about next time-" the hawk continued. However, he didn't finish his sentence as he got whacked on the back of the head by an unseen frying pan. Stumbling forward, Tiberius crashed his forehead into the corner of the shed and collapsed. Rocky stepped over the unconscious hawk as he muttered to himself, "Now for the finale."

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