Imagine #7: My best friends are Ash and Calum

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Best Friends 

It was your annual best friend day, no really it was Friday meaning Ash and Calum were picking you up from school today. Your best friends , were in the band 5SOS and they left you at school. You always made them feel guilty but in reality you were happy for them but they always picked you up on Friday when they were home though. 

You were in you last period, literature, you were bored as hell. You were texting Calum as your teacher went on about the plot that reminded her of her own life. 

cal where the f* are you. my teacher is a bore

you have 30 minutes left of school Y/N . hold up 

ughhhh cant you guys get me out earlier 

um no. you cant be like us who didnt finish school

but its boring here

too bad so sad babe x love you 

You put your phone away before you  teacher noticed you on it. Ten minutes passed when the speakers went of " Miss Y/N Y/L/N come to front office with ehr belongings." You smiled and waved to your classmates. You ran to your locker getting your ipod and binder. You ran to the frotn office to the secratary showing you to sign out. You did just that, you walked outside to see your two besties waiting for you with their glasses on . YOu laughed since you wore the same exact pair today. 

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!" ASh and Calum said as they ran to you to give you a squishing hug. " Hey guys, " you said out of breath, " cant breath!" they let you go , " sorry love we just miss you so much, " cal said as he scrathed the back of his neck. You smiled, " miss you too. both of you."

" Okay we have plans today Y/N so get your ass in the car, " ash said. You smiled and got your backpack from the ground and hoppe din the car with your two friends.

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